Chapter 47

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Bill's POV

Pine Tree slammed his door closed, reminding me of Keith when he had done the same thing, and he whirled around and suddenly I was trapped up against the wall. I frowned deeply at him, my eyes wide in shock.

"Ok Bill, explain to me about Ford. Explain for reals this time." His tone was low and serious.

I stammered. "I-I already told you!"

"Oh, right, like I believe you." He narrowed his eyes at me, furious.

"Pine Tree it's nothing! We were partners over thirty years ago and then something happened, so we hate each other now!"

Pine Tree didn't seem convinced.

"We worked on a project together!" I exclaimed desperately.

Pine Tree held his face in his hands. "I have an extremely hard time believing that, Bill." His tone was sour. "You remember when we had that fight?"

My stomach dropped.

"Remember what you told me?" He glared into my soul.

"I-I called you Ford..." I whispered like I was a child be scolded by its mother.

"But that's not it. Bill, why aren't you being truthful with me?" He seemed distressed and...betrayed.

"I am! Me and Ford's history is not important, ok. I hate him. He needs to-to go." I crossed my arms and leaned as much into the wall as I could so Pine Tree wouldn't touch me.

"You know what, he's staying. He's family, unlike you."

I took offense to that. "Uh, excuse me?"

"Well, it's true, Bill." He shook his head.

"Ok, where is he gonna sleep?" I said tartly.

"The guest bedroom." He said it like it was obvious.

"Then where am I...?" I trailed off. "No, no, no! I'm not sharing a room with you!" My heart sped up and I almost panicked at the thought that Pine Tree could hear my heart beat.

Pine Tree smirked. "Oh, you never seemed to have any trouble sharing a bed with me before." He was a lot closer than I was comfortable with, a lot closer than I wanted him to be. He chuckled. "You'll be fine."

He leaned back and I exhaled.

"You know... you've been acting weird lately." He tilted his head.

I swept my feelings away and glared at him. "Oh please, I'm a demon, I can do what I want."

Pine Tree didn't look pleased by that response. "You're giving me a better explanation later, Cipher."

I tensed up. "Don't call me that."

Pine Tree shot me a glare and said in a mocking voice, "Why? Beause Ford called you that?"

I blushed angrily and looked away.

He nodded curtly and opened the door.

Shooting Star was talking to Ford, admiring his six-fingered hands. I remembered those hands clearly. An anomaly that marked him as not normal, like me. "Grunkle Ford is awesome!" She exclaimed when we reentered.

Pine Tree nodded in agreement, side glancing at me quickly.

Why was Pine Tree getting so worked up whether Ford and I had a relationship in the past? It was completely preposterous and highly unlikely.

Ford seemed to get along with the kids quite well. He was going to mess everything up, I could feel it. The way he looked at me, I could tell.

"One second, Babe." I said to Pine Tree just to see the annoyed look appear on both Pine Tree and Ford's face. I walked up the Ford, lightly touching his arm, and said quietly. "Can I ask you something really quick?"

The Beginning: Starting Anew (Gravity Falls Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz