So People Have Been Saying...

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Okey Dokey, I do hate writing stuff like this, it's kinda annoying BUT I know you guys have been confused, curious or something else about this thingy-magigy. So, some people have been saying "Isey, why are you suddenly really changing up your story" or "I kind of liked the story back when yadah yadah" and I knew some of you would end up asking that once I got deeper into this third book (also sorta in the second book, as well).

Well, let me tell you why so it all sort of makes sense. (I'm not bagging on the people that said those things, I think you guys just deserve a full on explanation). So, my first book was most Deleanor (Dipper X Eleanor) with a sprinkle of Beleanor (Bill X Eleanor). The second book was Deleanor and Beleanor. You see, I could have continued to roll with the whole "Dipper wants to be with Eleanor and so does Bill so Eleanor has to choose" thing... But that would honestly get really boring really quick, and repetitive. I didn't want my series to be cheap and over use content that I had used previously. So, I sat down with myself and had the Iseykitty Meeting and, basically, it went a little like this in my head:

Isey 1: "So, you have a third book now"

Isey 2: "I know"

Isey 1: "You gotta put new stuffs in there"

Isey 2: "But people like Beleanor/Deleanor stuffs already"

Isey 1: "But we don't want to bore them with predictability, do we"

Isey 2: ".... Ok"

(Yeah, I'm weird shshshsh). So I decided, why not spice it up with new love conflict and different characters have a shot with each other? I guess you can assume what's next. But I won't say a thing if you already haven't guessed by now.

I know, that by expanding my story with different ships (or couples if you will) that I can get a lot more people that like my story for those "ships" or I can also get a lot of people that hate my story for them. And I am completely aware of that. I know, that by stepping into new territory to test the waters and make my story more dynamic, that I will displease a few people. But I don't want everyone yawning while they have deja vu over another Beleanor/Deleanor fight where Eleanor is all "I love you, but I love you too, and I don't know who to choose". So that story line is over, it'll probably come up again, who knows, but I wanted to tell you that some different stuff will be happening.

There will be more stuff (I'm sorry for those of you that ship Pinecest, but that'll never happen, I'm sorry... I can't with that XD) .

God, this is a long note. Sorry, I talk a lot and I wanted you guys to understand, haha. Whoops.

Anyways! Now that I've explained you can get on with your reading. (this was kinda boring topic whooopsssy)

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