Chapter 13

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Bill's POV

When I finally managed to muster up the amount of magic to teleport, I shot out of his backyard and fell onto the middle of the street. I landed square on my face and rolled over once, lying on the black pavement of the road. I took in a deep breath, feeling extremely tired and weak.

This was one reason why I didn't bother transporting into the guest room.

I stumbled to my feet and looked up and saw a car racing towards me. I gasped, but it was too late. The driver tried to swerve desperately out of the way, but slammed straight into me. I was thrown back seven feet and my head smashed into the ground and the car came to a screeching halt a foot away from me. I was, for a moment, stunned at how quickly things happened. I groaned but not because of pain - obviously I couldn't feel physical pain - but because of how freaking tired I was and just drained.

I turned onto my stomach and got to my knees. I had cuts all up along my arms and a large cut on the back of my head and my back was completely torn up, my left arm was bent at an awkward angle. I waited, waited for the excruciating pain. But it didn't come. I felt the disappointment and looked at the car when the driver got out. She had short black hair and brown eyes, but they were filled with panic.

"Oh my God!" She cried out, "I'm so so so so sorry, are you ok?! I didn't see you until the last moment and-"

"Lady. I'm fine." I growled.

"No! You're not! I'm going to call 9-1-1! Oh, God, I'm so sorry."

I glared at the stranger. "Don't call '9-1-1', because I'm fine."

The lady shook her head. "Sir, you are bleeding and cut up everywhere and- OH! You-your arm!"

I rolled my eye. I guess Pine Tree was right about everyone caring for anyone. "No, get back in your car-thing. I'm fine." I let out a big yawn and I could feel my legs shaking. I wanted to just pass out on the street.

The lady went to pull out her phone, but I simply plucked it out of her hand.

"Don't." I growled and shoved her back into her car.

The lady looked completely shocked and baffled.

I went behind the car and with a small spark of magic, I shoved her car forward so she'd get going. "Go on!" I shouted.

The lady, she now looked terrified, sped out of here.

I sighed, angry and tired. I looked to my right and felt relief when I saw Arrow's house. It was her address. I walked up her driveway, my vision blurring. I made it to the front door and knocked on it. Moments later, it opened. I smiled when I saw it was her and hugged her - not thinking about being covered in my blood or the fact that my arm was broken.

She gasped and pulled away. "Bill?! What are you- Oh my God!" She cried.

I looked down at myself. I was a bloody mess. "Oh, yeah..."

"What happened?!" She yanked me into the house, leading me somewhere.

"Won't your parents see me?" I asked, ignoring her question.

"They aren't out here right now- What happened?" She pulled me into her bathroom and closed the door.

"I....I got hit by a car."

"A car?!" Arrow went white. "Did the driver stop?!"

"Well, yeah, but I told them I was fine- I am fine." I sat atop the toilet seat and hugged my knees.

"You are not fine, Bill. You are seriously injured." Arrow looked around frantically. "We need to get you cleaned up. Undress and get into the tub."

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