Chapter 36

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Bill's POV

The rest of that day, I spent faking my life and awkwardly getting around his parents till it came to dinner time. I decided to leave Pine Tree alone this time during dinner since tomorrow I'd get my head back in the game.

I had slept in my own room that night, but for a while, before I had fallen asleep, I spent over an hour recollecting the events of that day and studying them. What's wrong with you? I had asked myself. Finally, after all that pondering, I managed to close my eyes and drift off into my dreams...


I woke up the next morning, about ten in the morning, and stretched feeling refreshed and brand new. Today I had to go talk to Arrow.

I was getting tired of running around with Pine Tree, I wanted to spend some time with the love of my life. My heart still managed to yearn for her after all these years. I spiffied myself up and brushed out my hair. I needed to talk again. I needed to see her again.

Of course, she'd be a little displeased after seeing that...incident...between me and Pine Tree. I was still mildly disgusted about that.

I strolled out of my room, smiling brightly. Arrow was still home, I could feel it, and all I did was have to walk up to her house and beckon her out. I felt more upbeat today, maybe because I didn't have to babysit Pine Tree so much this day.

I reached the front door and went to turn the knob when a hand gripped tightly onto my arm. I rolled my eye, expecting Pine Tree and turned around, scoffing. "Oh, Pine Tree, don't act so desper-" I broke off when I saw Shooting Star. I jerked my arm away from her immediately when I realized I was mistaken. "Oh, it's you."

Shooting Star narrowed her eyes. "Where you headed off to?"

I exhaled softly. "Does it matter?"

"Yes? Because you're not going with Dipper." Her gaze hardened.

"I don't need to spend every living and breathing second with him!" I exclaimed.

"Where are you going?" She repeated more sternly.

"I'm going to talk to Eleanor." I explained angrily.

An angry frown formed on her face. "Why?"

"I just need to talk, yeesh-"

She stamped a foot forward threateningly. "If you hurt my brother in any way, I swear-"

"My gosh, kid. Settle down. I'm just going to talk." I did my best to control my anger.

"You know I don't trust you." She spat.

"Pine Tree!!!" I called out into the house, making Shooting Star jump.

After a few moments, his bedroom door opened and he stepped out, yawning and his hair rumpled. He only had on his pajama shorts, his hair - he hadn't bothered to wash out - stuck in clumps. "What is it, Bill...?" He asked exasperated.

I smirked. "Your sister is being incredibly rude." I complained. "I go to get out of the house for a bit and she gets on my back about hurting you and stuff." I walked around Shooting Star and took Pine Tree's hand.

He was still tired, so he didn't react like he would have if he was fully awake. He let out a long and annoyed sigh. "Mabel...just leave him alone..." He yawned again.

Shooting Star did her best to ignore that. "Why are you so tired bro bro?" She asked.

"Trouble sleeping - don't try to change the topic." He said in a low tone.

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