Chapter 26

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Yes, I'm not dead haha 
I found a moment to publish this chapter AHA! Here yah go!!! ENJOY

Bill's POV

In the course of three to four hours, I managed to explain some stuff to Pine Tree and set some ground rules. I didn't even care to go over everything with the whole Arrow situation and the timelines. Lets just say that fear made people do things they never thought they'd do.

"So, do I need to repeat myself?" I was saying.

Pine Tree at the moment, was restrained to the ground with neon-glowing blue chains. (Oh the parallels *sigh*.) He looked down at the ground angrily. Most of the shock that had first been instilled had worn off and was replaced with rage, but he didn't dare defy me now. "Why did you have to tell Eleanor that we are together? Could you have thought of a better lie?"

I chuckled and laid a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch. "Oh Pine Tree, I probably could have said something else, but this one is causing more pain on your behalf. I enjoy your pain."

Pine Tree flashed me a disgusted glare. "I knew there was something wrong with you from when we first met."

I shrugged. "So? I got away with it anyways and that is what's important."

Pine Tree sagged, the chains rattling. I had a vivid memory of chaining Arrow up in her spherical prison. "Fine... Can we go now?"

"Pine Tree, your sass is going to come to stop. I know your mad," I said, trying to sympathize, "but you are going to have to deal with it."

Pine Tree frowned up at me, fury blazing in his eyes as he scooted back, the chains pulling at him. "Why wouldn't I be mad? You are making me your pawn."

I chuckled and fixed my bow tie. "Oh, I guess. I tried to be friends with you, Pine Tree, but what can I say? We are natural enemies. We always reverted back to that no matter what. And look what your hate has done for you now..."

"Kay, I get it, can we-"

I cleared my throat, reminding him of his sass.

Pine Tree clenched his hands into fists. It felt so nice to have this complete and utter control over someone again. I could make him do what ever I wanted him to do.

"May we leave now?" Pine Tree growled through gritted teeth.

"Hm... Yes. Only if you do exactly what I say." I swirled my hand, making the chain disconnect from the floor and draw into my hand so I could jerk him forward.

The chain that was connected to his throat tightened as I yanked him towards me.

He grappled with the clasp around his neck impulsively.

"You will do what I say... Right?"

Pine Tree nodded quickly and I slacked the grip on the chain so he could drop to his knees. He heaved in some hair, tugging at chain around his throat. He shot me a quick glare before getting to his feet. "I mean, I knew something was wrong with you, but a god-like demon wasn't on my list."

I smiled at him. "Oh, I'm full of surprises."

I cast a spell over the chains so the other people in the town wouldn't see me tugging a teen around like a slave. I brought him out of the alley and into the town. I was acting a lot stronger and more awake than I actually was. All this magic was extremely tiring, but I refused to show it. I'd regain my full power over time.

"Where are...where are we going?" He asked carefully, looking at people passing by, desperately.

"Back to your house, of course. Oh, and if you say a word about this whole secret, I will obliterate your entire family." I smiled. "Capiche?"

The Beginning: Starting Anew (Gravity Falls Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें