Chapter 30

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Bill's POV

After I had refused to leave the house, their parents reluctantly let me stay the night. I could see Keith on the verge of bursting while Vanessa seemed more concerned.
They sent me to the guest bedroom to sleep there.

It was about ten at night and I wasn't able to fall asleep. My mind was awake and thinking of too many things at once. I was thinking about Arrow and how after a while my plans would end up with me and her together at the finish line. I also kept thinking of new ways to keep Pine Tree in line so I wouldn't mess up.

I couldn't fall asleep.

Finally, I groaned, and stood from my bed and cracked open the door. Their parents weren't out in the living room, they were probably asleep.

I sneaked across the house and made it to Pine Tree's room where I slowly opened up the door and peaked in. He was sound asleep, on his back, one arm slung across his stomach. He wasn't snoring, but I could hear the deep breathing of sleep.

I tip-toed and and leaned over, making sure he was really asleep, and saw his eyes gently closed. I smirked and let myself levitate off the ground and float over him, and I reclined on the air, chuckling to myself. He's so oblivious... I leaned forward, going to tap his face, when he fluttered his eyes open.

I tensed up as his eyes slowly adjusted.

He blinked and yawned and narrowed his eyes at me. When he finally could see he then screamed, falling off of his bed.

I couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"BILL!" He screamed outraged. "Were you watching me sleep?!"

I rolled my eye. "No... I just got here."

Pine Tree glared at me. "Go back to your room."

I swirled my fingers around, letting my blue aura surround him so he floated up and laid down in his bed.

"H-hey!" Pine Tree struggled. "Stop it! Go away!"

I sighed, still floating above him. "I'm bored, Pine Tree. I just can't wait for tomorrow when we go to the beach..." I smirked, loving to see him enraged.

Pine Tree glared at me, still unable to move. "My God, you're ridiculous." He shook his head. "And you're always 'bored.'"

I shrugged and lowered myself so I could lay on top of him and used my hands to prop up my head.

Pine Tree flushed lightly, grimaced, and looked away. "Can you get off of me, please? I need to sleep, unlike you."

I narrowed my eye. "Aw, you're no fun!"

Pine Tree scoffed. "Well, I'm sorry, I hate you. It's not my problem."

I tapped my fingers on his chest, and he was obviously getting extremely uncomfortable. "Bill... No one is here to pretend to. Get off of me."

I smirked. "Not comfortable, Pine Tree?"

He met my gaze head on, the flames of anger starting to burn within his eyes. "What do you think, genius?"

"Yes?" I adjusted myself on top of him and I could see his arms, tensed up, trying to fight the magical restraint I had cast over him. "Aw, you're so tense..." I breathed.

"Bill! STOP!"

I rolled my eye, sighing. "Oh please, stop complaining. It's not like it's going to work. I'm here to make your life miserable until Arrow is mine."

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