Chapter 21

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Happy Easter everybody! ❤️❤️

Bill's POV

Pine Tree and I walked down to a café near by and the entire time, Pine Tree was complaining about this and that.

It was seriously annoying.

"Pine Tree!" I screamed.

I looked at me with wide eyes. "Yes?"

"Sh-shut up!" I ordered him. "JEEZ! You could go on forever couldn't you?!"

Pine Tree bit his bottom lip and scratched the back of his head. "So? I can rant on if I want to..."

I rolled my eye. "I guess so, but it's very agitating."

He made his hand form like a mouth and open and closed it. "Blah, blah, blah. You are the one begging to go out and do something, not me."

I waved a hand at him. "Pft, I get easily bored." I explained.

"I can see that." He sighed angrily.

I opened my mouth for a retort, but he flung his arms out - almost whacking me in the face - and exclaimed, "Look! The café is right there already." He turned to me with his eye lids lowered, smirking. "How convenient for you to shut up as well."

I crossed my arms, unamused. Ok, I was amused a little. I followed him in and we walked in and up to the front.

"What do you want?" Pine Tree asked me.

Hmm....human food and drink. "Uh, I'll have the, um, coffee."

Pine Tree rolled his eyes again and spoke up. "I'll have a black ice tea and a Danish."

The man at the counter nodded and turned around to retrieve our items.

Pine Tree turned and looked up at me, his hands on his hips.

"What?" I exclaimed.

"You acted like you've never ordered something before." He chuckled.

I shrugged.

"'I'll have the coffee.'" He mimicked me. "No one says 'the coffee', you just say 'coffee.'"

"I don't need English lessons for you, kid!" I said angrily. "I know how to speak perfectly well! Usually I'm the one ordering people around, not ordering food and drink."

The man at the counter returned with the items and sat them down. Pine Tree payed him the money and we went and sat down.

"So," Pine Tree scooted in his chair to the table, "you usually order people around? What do you mean by that?"

"I mean, I'm a powerful person with others that obey me." I explained as I sipped on my coffee. Ugh, coffee tastes awful.

"What did you do?" Pine Tree took a sip of his ice tea.


Pine Tree let out a long, loud exasperated sigh. "My God, you are always saying 'nothing', why not give a real answer for once?"


"I mean that you should be more open about yourself. You act like you know everything about me, but it's not vice versa." Pine Tree picked at his Danish.

"I don't care what you know about me." I growled and swirled my coffee around.

"Like, I want to know about your past. So, you know, we're even on knowledge." Pine Tree took a bite of his Danish.

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