Chapter 3

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Bill's POV

Shooting Star told me that her parents weren't home right now so it was safe for a while. She gave me a tour of the house and where everything was. Human houses were a lot different then where I had lived, which had only been two places: the Nightmare Realm and a floating castle. She seemed happy to let me here, or maybe she was trying to get on my good side so I didn't beat her brother to a bloody pulp. Who knew, really?

Once we were done with the tour, Shooting Star sat me down at a table in the dining room. "You want something to eat? Searching through 'time and space' sure to have made you hungry?"

Honestly, I wasn't hungry, I never needed to eat. I only ate that one time with Arrow and that was to make her happy about having a feast. I lied anyways. "Uh, sure." I narrowed my eye and glared at her as soon as she turned away. I was in the house of the enemy. Surely this was frowned upon? Or was I following that whole 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer' rule?

Shooting Star turned around with a bag of Doritos. (Yes, I did the thing, I know, hehe) She sat down at the table with me awkwardly and looked around. "Sorry about my brother. He is being rude," her gaze hardened, "but you were being a little weird with him."

I rolled my eye. "Oh well, your brother's praise is not on my bucket list." I sighed and she opened the bag.

"What's with the eye patch? Are you, like, cosplaying as a pirate or something?" She ate one of the chips and offered to me. Reluctantly, I took one out and held it for a moment.

"No... It's hard to explain." I wasn't going to tell them about who I was or else I'd never be able to get them to hand Arrow over.

Shooting Star studied me. "Is it a medical condition?" She continued to ask questions.

"Sure." I replied bluntly and ate the Dorito. It did actually taste good.

Shooting Star sighed and called out, "Dipper!"

Pine Tree shouted back from his room. "What?!"

"Come and hang with me, bro!"

Pine Tree was silent before he marched out huffily. "I don't want to hang out with this guy who was strangling my wrists." He spat.

Shooting Star shrugged. "I think he's just hungry and tired, Dipping Sauce, come and be a good friend."

Pine Tree took a deep and irritated breath before stomping over and sitting in the chair next to me since Shooting Star was sitting in the only chair across from me.

I could see the agitation in his eyes and it made me laugh. Pine Tree may have not been my cup of tea, but seeing him being driven crazy was definitely entertaining. I flashed a smile at him and he just looked away. I shrugged and took another Dorito. "So," I started, "how'd you and Eleanor meet?"

Pine Tree crossed his arms. "Here, in California."

"I ask how not where." I growled.

Pine Tree seemed instantly intimidated and straightened up. "Well, it is kind of a weird story..."

Shooting Star scooted closer. "Yeah, its crazy."

Pine Tree shook his head at Shooting Star's comment and continued. "When I was twelve when I went up to Gravity Falls for the summer, a girl came up to me when I was going to go hammer up signs."

I grew confused. I thought she changed the past so she never went? I blinked and listened to him.

"She saw me and started crying and hugged me, saying that I was ok and stuff - it was really weird. She was all cut up and bloody like she had been through a war. I was totally confused and she was just acting like she was so happy to see me, though I've never seen her before." Pine Tree didn't notice my face go white.

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