Chapter 29

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I'm gonna stop putting author notes at the beginning of the chapters, I think XD

Bill's POV

I could tell that Pine Tree's parents were very displeased about me stealing their son away. I mean, I never thought that him 'dating me' could be so shameful. But now that it was dinner time and I had refused to leave, the real fun began.

Oh, I loved torturing poor Pine Tree. I had tried being his friend but now I got to do what I really had wanted to do. See him in pain.

They had just made a salad for our meal and, his parents, reluctantly pulled up another chair so I could sit at the table. I purposely sat right next to Pine Tree so I could have a chance to poke fun at him during dinner.

Shooting Star, surprisingly, didn't sit next to her brother and instead sat at the other side of the table, opposite from us.

"So..." Vanessa started after a long and heavy silence, "how'd you guys meet?"

I gently elbowed Pine Tree, cuing him to speak. "I actually met him on my trip in Gravity Falls when I was twelve... We became friends and he recently came down to California where we met up again..." He picked his pork at the lettuce on his plate.

Vanessa nodded and was trying her best to smile, but it wasn't really working with my presence. "You've know each other for a while, then..." She whispered.

I nodded. "Yeeup! I'm glad I met up with him again in Cali." I slung my arm around him again and he reflexively tensed up. I felt Shooting Star's deadly glare shoot through me, but I ignored it.

"Did you move here?" Vanessa asked when she realized that Keith wasn't going to speak to his son.

I nodded. "Yeah, well, kind of. We haven't moved here completely yet. My parents let me come down here early to tour the town." I flashed Pine Tree a small smile. "I've crashed the night here a few times."

Instead of speaking, Keith choked on his food.

"You ok, Keith?" I asked, playing innocent.

Keith sipped some water, taking in a deep breath. I almost wanted to peak into his mind so I could see what he was saying and picturing, but I decided to leave whatever images those were to himself. "Yes." He hissed.

I shrugged and took my arm off from around Pine Tree. "Well, he's been really kind about that." I booped Pine Tree nose and he scrunched up, unamused. I smirked and went back to my plate.

"Are you going to go to school where Dipper goes?" Vanessa asked again.

"Most likely." I sighed and forced myself to eat the food, even though I didn't need to. I flashed a look towards Pine Tree and he did his best to avoid it. "I hope so." I kept my gaze planted on him. "Don't you?"

Pine Tree nodded but I kicked him under the table so he'd speak up. "Yeah, of course." He managed to get out.

I nodded slightly, approving that answer. I turned to Shooting Star who narrowed her eyes at me. "Aren't you happy that your twin finally found someone?"

She swallowed her food, remaining deadly silent. Shooting Star didn't say a word and went back to eating.

I shrugged. Pine Tree wasn't really selling the act here. I was a much better actor than him. I pondered on punishing him, maybe by embarrassment. No, let's give him one more test. "You up for that little trip to the beach tomorrow?" I asked rather quietly.

Pine Tree shot me a warning glare and I smirked.

Aw, he failed the test. Too bad, though. I began to think up a little mindless act of embarrassment for him. I smiled when an idea popped into my head. You're an evil genius, Cipher. I complimented myself.

I looked over at Vanessa who wasn't facing me and neither were the other two. I took this moment and 'accidentally' hit over Pine Tree's glass of water into his lap.

He let out a gasp and looked up at me. "Bill." He hissed.

I covered my mouth with one hand. "Oops. I'm so sorry!" I grabbed a napkin and began to pat down his shorts, near his crotch. (XD God...)

Pine Tree's face turned deep scarlet and looked up at his family who all then flicked their shocked and equally embarrassed gazes away. "B-Bill..." He stammered quietly.

I made a pouty face and glanced up at him. "Aw, baby, what a mess."

He swallowed hard and stood up, wiping his hands on his shorts. "I'll be right back." He said, his voice taut.

I sighed and crossed my arms. "I swear, sometimes I'm so clumsy. Sorry about that."

Vanessa didn't even look up at me respectfully this time. "It's-it's fine."

I smirked and chuckled to myself. I honestly wanted to burst out laughing at the look on their faces, but I had to keep up the act. That's what Pine Tree gets when he refuses to sell it. "I better help him dry off." I said and stood up and followed to where he went.

I walked up to his room and opened up the door. "Hey, Dippe-"

"Get out!" He whisper screamed and only then did I notice that he was standing in his boxers.

I stepped in and closed the door. "I have to help you dry off though." I said pitifully.

"BILL." He growled. "I'm this close to chopping your head off!"

I narrowed my eye. "You know you wouldn't be able to do that. Remember?" I said, swirling my fingers around.

Pine Tree scrambled for a new pair of pants and slipped them on. "What's your problem!" He asked me, getting up in my face.

"You obviously weren't making an effort to acting so I had to send you a friendly reminder." I stated obviously.

Pine Tree restrained himself from slapping me. "You embarrassed me!"

"That was the point, Pine Tree." I whispered slyly.

He stomped his foot. "Fine, whatever. I learned my lesson. Don't do that again."

"Depends on if you actually follow the script." I stated.

Pine Tree scoffed and rolled his eyes. "If you weren't a stupid demon, I would have backed out of this ages ago."

"But I am, so no excuses." I grabbed his shoulders and led him to the door. "Put on your best act."

Pine Tree shoved my hands away and took a deep breath and opened the door, making sure to not look so pissed off. He walked back to the table and sat down. "Kay, that's over. Sorry about that." Pine Tree told them, anger flickering in his eyes.

Keith looked at him disapprovingly and Shooting Star and Vanessa both cast me an unfriendly look.

I decided to pick at Pine Tree at least one more time for the heck of it. "You know, Dipper, the last time I saw you in your boxers they were space themed." I laughed and clapped him on the shoulder.

His face flushed again and I saw Shooting Star drop her gaze to her plate and Vanessa and Keith looked like they were gonna be sick.

Pine Tree almost screamed at me, but then remembered that if he blew it, it'd only lead to more of this torture. He took a moment and spoke. "B-Bill... We don't discuss that type of stuff at the dinner table." He told me through clenched teeth.

I chuckled. "Haha, sorry." I turned my face towards my plate and smirked. Controlling him was almost too easy. This was much more entertaining than I ever expected it to be.

I'm sorry guys, I was laughing so hard while writing this chapter XD

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