Chapter 3...

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I walked into the house around five after I had finished shooting. It was going to be a late night for my dad tonight, so I had Karsyn give me a ride home. As she pulled up to our house she smiled and said, "Have you called Jake today yet?" Jake? Oh my gosh, Jake? I forgot I was going to video call him?!

"Oh no! I need to go video chat him!" I ran into the house yelling, "That's for the ride Kary!"

"No problem darlin!"

I walked inside and threw my bag by the front door as it slammed. I saw my mom come around the corner from the kitchen with her arms reached out as if she was going to give me a hug when I rushed right passed her.

"Well hello to you too..."

"Sorry! I promised Jake I'd video call him!"

"Oh! I see." She walked back to the kitchen but I didn't look to see what she was doing.

I hurried to grab my iPad to call him. It ringed for about three times before he answered.

"Hey beautiful!" I suddenly got emotional when I saw his face. Just seeing him made me forget every feeling I thought I had for Colton. Jake was mine, and the one I wanted to be with.

"Jake! Oh my gosh I'm so happy to actually see your face!"

"You don't understand how hard this is for me. I can see you, but I don't get to wrap you in my arms and hold you. If I wasn't coming down next weekend, I'd fly up there anyway!" He laughed, but I could tell how serious he was.

"Well no one is stopping you! Jake, I can't believe tomorrow it'll be five weeks?"

"I know! Five weeks is way too long for me to not be with my girl."

"Haha I just love you." I could tell I was blushing but I didn't care. I had so much I wanted to talk to him about. I just prayed he didn't bring up Colton. "How's basketball been going?"

"Pretty good. I can dunk the ball now, and next Saturday is our first game. You should come home one of these weekends and come to one?" He sounded super hopeful.

"I would love that! I'll have to talk to the writer's and see when I can come home."

"That would be awesome." He paused for a second. "So how's your Canada boyfriend?" He smirked a little, but I could tell he truly wanted to know what's been going on.

"Gosh, you had to bring him up?" I rolled my eyes, "Well, he's super nice and a great guy. We filmed our first scene together today."

"Is he as handsome as me?" He chuckled.

"Never! No one is." I said winking at him.

"That's my girl." He said, obviously pleased. "So how's school going?"

"Insane! The first three weeks I was here I did five months worth of school work. I have my finals in two weeks and then I'm done. I won't have to go back to school until this fall when I'm back in Texas."

"Hopefully..." He said somewhat under his breath.

"Trust me Jake, I plan on this being my first and only acting job. This just isn't for me."

"I'm so happy to hear that honestly."

I could hear Aunt Gen in the background, "TOM! JAKE! WE'RE EATING!" Jake was still staying with the Padalecki's, and he and Tom turned our second bonus room upstairs into a giant loft for the two of them.

"Hey, beautiful. I gotta go eat. Can I call you tomorrow morning before I go to school?"

I laughed because of how early I'd have to be awake. "Alright, why don't you call me at seven your time? Then we can talk for about 40 minutes before you have to go to school? And then I can watch the sunrise while we talk."

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