Jensen's Not-so Little Girl

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(JJ's POV) 

We drove through the snow that softly kissed our windshield flake after flake. The drive from the cemetery was about a half an hour long, but we loved getting to listen to Christmas music and talking with each other. After the morning Jake had just had, it was nice to see him smile. 

"So, what do you need help with for the party tonight?"

"Actually, I forgot to tell you, my family goes all out with these memorial celebrations, and it's kind of a black tie affair." 

"But it's in the barn?"

"You'll see what I mean tonight. Arial said she'd take you into town to get a new dress if you'd like." 

"That sounds fun! Are you sure you don't need my help with anything though? Like food or setting it up?"

"Nah, your dad and Jared are helping me, and I'm sure your mom and Gen will end up getting roped into everything. Tom and I are going to go pick up the tables right now, so all you have to worry about is being ready by five." He smiled and held my hand to his lips, kissing it gently. 

I wasn't home for more than five minutes before Ariel had Charlie in her car seat and was ready to go shopping. "Come on Jay, let's hurry before Charlie gets mad about being in the car." I quickly gave Jake a kiss and ran to meet Ariel. Part of me really wanted to stay and help, but since Jake insisted I go with Ariel, I was determined to have a good time with her. 

(Jensen's POV)

Jake had just pulled up in his truck with Tom and the tables. It only took us a few minutes to sweep the floor and move all the hay, set up the tables, and run table cloths across each table. Gen and Danneel were hanging lights everywhere, and decorating the place with flowers and wooden fixtures. 

When Jake and Tom hurried inside to shower and get ready, Jared and I sat at a table and had a beer together, "So, you ready for this?" He said, popping the cap off his bottle. 

"For what? Tonight? Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" 

"I've just been surprised with how okay you've been with everything lately. I mean, after everything he did to her, and they've literally been back together for like what- a week now?"

"Yeah, but before that they dated for three years. I think they're going to be okay." 

"You think?"

I set my beer down on the table, "Honestly, I'm so freaking scared I don't know what to think. Life was so much easier when we thought Tom and JJ were going to end up together." 

"Yeah, tell me about it." He chuckled, taking another sip. "Hey there's always Shep and Arrow?" He joked, but part of me really wanted and could see that happening. 

"Okay, my money's on the two of them now!" I raised my bottle to toast to that, and he laughed brushing his hair back with a chuckle. I was so mad that I was going gray, and his hair was still full and dark brown. Pretty soon I'm going to look like a grandpa, and he's still going to look forty. 

"Well, I'm still holding out for Tom and JJ. They're my OTP." He laughed. 

"Gosh, you sound like the psycho girls at the conventions." I made fun. 

"Admit it, you'd rather have JJ end up with Tom." Jared argued. 

"Honestly, I think Tom is amazing with JJ, but I think Jake is the best for her." 

"I think you're right. Hey, I love Jake like my own son, I just love JJ and wanted her to be a part of our family." 

"Hey brother, we're all family. But I would love Arrow to be a Padalecki. One of my girls has to be." I took a sip of my beer, "Or, you know, Odette could be an Ackles." I winked and he just laughed gulping down some more beer. 

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