The Question

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(JJ's POV)

My dad and Jared brought us home from the Hospital soon after Jake's mom died. They didn't want him there while the hospital took her body. When we got home my dad didn't even flinch when he walked upstairs to bed with me, however neither of us could get any sleep. I laid in bed with my arms around him trying to help him get through this. Every few minutes I would hear his nose breathing through the tears. I hadn't ever seen him this hurt. 

When I woke up this morning I saw him sitting on the window seal with his back to me. He was on the phone with someone and I listened to figure out who he was talking to. 

"Yeah I'm doing okay..." He mumbled. "She's asleep but I bet she'll be awake here soon. I still haven't asked her to come with me... Well because it's a big thing to ask of her! She just forgave me for the last thing I screwed up on... I don't know, I'll call you later to see if we're coming." I watched as he hung up the phone and threw it on the chair in the corner. He looked my way, "Hey," he yawned and knelt down by the bedside, "Good morning beautiful." He kissed my four head. 

"Good morning. Who was that on the phone?"

"Just my Grandpa. He moved back to the ranch and wanted my help getting everything ready for the funeral this weekend. He said it would be good for me or something." 

"I think we should go." I volunteered.

He sat up surprised, "Wait, really? You wanna go back to the ranch with me this week?"

"Yeah, I do. I only have three days of school this week before parent teacher conferences, and my astronomy teacher is in love with my dad. I can convince the others to give me the assignments that I need when I get back next week." 

"You're sure JJ?"

"I'm sure. Besides, the ranch is where I fell in love with you. It'll be nice to go back."

A big grin appeared on his face. "The Harvest Festival is this weekend too. I think I should take you." He smirked. 

"Oh, well now we must go!" I said agreeing but in a sarcastic kind of giggly way. 

"I'm going to go call my coach, we have a game on Saturday but I think he knew that I'd be missing it once he heard about mom." 

"Okay, I'll start packing. We should probably leave soon, so we can get there by this evening." 

"You want to drive? That will take hours?"

"I love your truck, and I love you. It'll be nice for you to drive through the city and eventually fall on those back roads. And I know you'll want to have your truck there with us. Plus, that's a lot of time for us to catch up on these past few months." 

"Okay, I'll call the coach and tell your dad. You get packed and I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast in a half hour." He smiled and kissed me quickly before hurrying out of the room. 

(Jake's POV) 

I had just ended the call with my coach when I ran into Jensen in the hallway to the kitchen. 

"Good morning sir." 

"Oh my gosh son- enough with the sir already. Really, it gets old." He was sipping some coffee and had the paper in his hand. "How you doing though?"

"Good actually, considering. I actually need to ask you something." 

"Okay, here, I was going to read this in my office," He said lifting his paper, "come sit down." He shut the door behind us and sat across from me in his chair. "What's on your mind." 

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