What happens next...

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(Jake's POV)

I woke up the next morning feeling like absolute crap. The room was spinning and my head was pounding. My dad walked in and pulled the curtains open.

"Wake up!" He yelled. I rolled over in bed covering my face with a pillow. "Did you take three of my beers?"

I just mumbled and he threw the covers on the floor. "I asked you a question." He yelled.

Every sound out of his mouth made my head pound even harder.

"Why do you care?"

"Because you're seventeen damn it!"

I just rolled over in bed and ignored him. I had the next five months of torture to live throuhg.

(Jensen's POV)

JJ spent the last two weeks after Jake left a complete mess. She would wake up every morning, come downstairs where her mom had made her a smoothie. After grabbing it she would return to her room and call Jake where they would talk on the phone for hours. We wouldn't see her until dinner time every night. It was starting to worry Danneel and I.

"What are we going to do with her?" She asked me this morning after JJ had returned to her room.

"I don't know." I leaned against the counter and rubbed my face in my hands. "I think I need to call his father though. These kids can't spend an entire summer locked up in their rooms."

"You would think they'd run out of things to talk about." She laughed. "But I think calling his father is a good idea. I'm going to go talk to our daughter."

She walked upstairs to be with Jay, and I walked to my office to have a discussion with Jake's father. I dialed his number and sat there until hearing his voice mail. I decided to dial again. After three rings he picked up.

"This is Jim." he answered.

"Yes, Jim. This is Jensen Ackles. How have you been?"

"I'm sorry, who did you say this was?"

I sat back and rolled my eyes, I wanted to push his head into the wall. "Uh Jensen Ackles." I cleared my throat. "JJ's dad. She's dating your son."

"Oh yes that's right." He answered. "What can I do for you?"

"Oh, well I think we need to work something out with Jake and JJ. She sits in her room all day and just talks on the phone with him."

"And the problem here is...?" He said shortly.

I couldn't take it any more. "The problem is, my daughter can't even leave her room because she misses that boy of yours and quite frankly so do my wife and I. I think you made a mistake in making him leave Texas." I waited for him to respond.

"Well, the truth is, I don't give a damn what you think Mr. Jensen..." I could hear someone in the background talking to him. "...Now if you'd excuse me I have business to attend to. Something you sir, must not understand. Enjoy your time off work. My wife says to tell you hello and she loved last nights finale. Good bye now."

Before I could stop him, he had already hung up on me. I decided the only person I could call was Jake himself. I called him and he picked up after two rings.

"Hello sir." He answered.

"Hey son. How's everything going?"

"Miserable. I feel like I'm in prison."

"Well I'm trying to find a way to fix that. I'm going to talk to my lawyer today and get this all situated. There may be an issue legally with guardianship, but I promise you I will fix this."

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