Valentines pt2

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Aphmaus POV
All the boys came and asked what happened. I told them everything. They fell over laughing. Then Travis came and asked what all the commotion was about. We told him everything. He did the same thing. Then he asked why the boys were chasing after me. It Valentines day. Dante answered. Just then I tackled him. That's for telling them were I was. I yelled at him. Nicole pulled me off him. I then left with Garroth to go on Tower of Terror. It wasn't that scary. But I pretended to be scared and screamed and held on to his arm.
Garroths POV
I knew she was only pretending but I liked it. After the ride was over I gave her my gift. It was a necklace that was a leather strap with a small pink and white shell on it. (I know it might sound ugly but I have one and its actually really pretty). She put it on. Garroth its beautiful. She said. Its also a communication amulet. Break it when your in trouble. Through any kind of weather. Day or night. We'll be there. I told her. She was so beautiful. We went on a bunch of other rides. Then Laurence came. He gave her a teddy bear. Thanks Laurence. She said. We went on a couple more rides. Then Jeffory came over over and gave her a silver charm bracelet. With a gold phoenix charm and a silver charm a picture of them locket charm. All the other boys came over with either chocolates or roses or chocolate roses. She thanked everyone. We went on goofys flight school, Thunder mountain,The Haunted Mansion ,and Matter horn. It was so much fun. Then for the last ride of the day. We went on Indiana Jones. It was so fun. I let her beat me at the mini games. Suuuuuuuuurrrrreeeee Garroth you "let" her beat you. Shut up mind. I won a couple! Yeah..... when she didn't participate in them you won. Be queit. Aph, myself and everyone else stayed to see the fireworks show at disneyland.
Arons POV
Aph fell asleep. I had to carry her home. She was so cute when she was sleeping. I finally got her to her room. I layed her down on her bed. Before I left I kisses her forhead and she gave a little smile. Then I left and locked her door from inside.
Aphmaus POV
The firework show was so beautiful. I think I fell asleep because I woke up in my hotel room. I get out my phone and start play Neko Atsume. DARN YOU TUBS! Eating all my food! I yelled. Then Kawaii~chan came in. What's wrong Aphmau~senpai? She asked. Neko Atsume is the problem! I yelled. Aaaaaahhhhh did you just say Neko Atsume!? I love that game! She yelled. When we finished fan girling we went to bed.

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