Sans X Genocidal Reader

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EH. I listened to this song for the fifthy-millionth time in a row and I HAD AN IDEA! 0o0

I love what i've written here. It may get confusing with the diagonal and bold lettering but it's my way of showing you and it 
(it being Chara)

I hope you all enjoy!

You feel the bone pierce through your skin, your stomach, your spine. Pain once again washes through out your body as the skeleton before you cries silently, you smile wide. The world slowly turns black as two yellow buttons appear in the darkness...

>>Continue                                                     -True Reset

You click 'continue' once again, your surprised how new the button looks despite your constant use of it. Color fades back into sight and the hallway reanimates into a solid form.

"Time to go again~"

Malice is evident throughout your voice, all signs of who you were before the poisonous being had touched your mind is gone. Sans knows what has happened to you. He knows why you had killed everyone. He knows that you'd never really do it... if you really had a choice. You walk back through the hallway and meet up with him again, he's no longer even looking at you.

"Aw! Sans! Are you missing her that much?"

"don't talk. let's get this over with."

Giant skeletal goat heads appear, but you were expecting that. You dodge them all easily and begin slashing at the skeleton that you had once foolishly loved. He knocks you back and readies up an attack, but the blue light in his eye suddenly fades as he looks at you.

"g-god... goddamnit... (y/n)..."

He lands onto his knees and begins sobbing a few meters away from you, it's entertaining. His face lies within his bony hands as you watch his back vibrate as loud sobs come muffled through his hands.

"wh-why... why... why d-did this h-have t-to happen!?! we w-were happy! e-everything was g-good! i-i was going t-to marry you o-one day!"

You chuckle at his pathetic mumblings. You play with the blade of your knife as you take a step closer.

"p-paps treated you l-like a s-sister... toriel w-w-was your m-mother... a-and that... th- that... thing... m-made you i-into this..."

"And how she so enjoys it! She wants to hold you right now... and ask you to kill her so that she can reset."

You laugh heartily at the pain your going through behind your eyes, your screaming out for the demon to leave you both alone. Your wishing with every ounce of you that they would ju- no more of that. It's time to kill this fucking joker. You run up to Sans and slash downwards with your sharpened knife, but it's knocked from your hand. Something bony grabs a hold of your wrist, then your waist. Two, white glims of white look through your eyes to see the real you.

"i will never give up until i have you back. your strong (y/n), you have more determination then it ever will."

Your pulled closer towards him, you struggle but Sans' grasp is incredibly tight. You see the sparkle of your knives blade only a few steps away from you.

"you. will. reset. and we will live happily. you told me to never lose hope..."

Your pulled onto the skeletons teeth, your heart beats a thousand beats per minute as a rush of love pumps through you. You feel your love fight it's LOVE inside of you. Your not losing this fight.

"-and i'm telling you not to lose hope now."

He pushes you back and in an instant, bones pierce through your stomach and abdomen as the skeleton smiles at you. You feel his love through his gaze along with more hope then you've ever seen within those glims inside of his eye sockets. Determination rises through you while it's Determination begins to fade. The world goes dark and the two yellow words reappear in a more reassuring darkness.

>>Continue                                          -True Reset  

You feel in control of yourself. You feel like the demon cannot stop you from living your life. You feel like you can live a better life now. You see a small, brown haired child just beyond the yellow words. She seems to be banging on an invisible wall, mad red eyes beg for you to press 'continue'. Her yellow and green stripped jumper has specks of both dust and blood, more of the former. It's the demon that had been controlling you. It's a child. An unknowing, murderous, uncaring child.

"You no longer are in control."

They seem to have heard you as they begin hitting the wall harder but it seems to be futile. You hover above your choice and click it with Determination and Hope running through you.

-Continue                                            >>True Reset    

You have chosen True Reset. Welcome home (y/n).

God that's creepy... but at least you know that now you can finally live happily with Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, Papyrus, Toriel... with Sans.


Woo! Happy ending! :D
I always liked these more :3
I'm such a dreamer... that sounds depressing to me...

ANYWAYS! I hope you liked this! BAI!

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