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A quick reminder that this is a couple months later. So Skate and Tori have probably forgotten about each other by now.

This is a very short filler chapter.

-Skate POV-

You can be the baddest rapper out there but when it comes to family and parents - you're still a kid.

That's how I felt lately.

"I can't believe they're making you do this man." Derek and I sat on the wall at the basketball courts.

"Me too man." I didn't even know what to say.

"And you're going through with this Nate?" He asked.

I shrugged. "What else can I do man, I mean my parents think I have a drug problem, so they're fixing me."

Derek chuckled. "I still don't get it."

"You think I do? I don't know where this came from."

"An arranged marriage?" Derek said still in shock of the idea. "That's crazy I mean how can you just be forced to fall in love with someone?"

"All I know is that my mom knows this girls mom." I said.

"What's her name?"

"Something Henderson." I said with a shrug. "Tori or something like that."

Derek nodded. "She good looking?"

I laughed. "I have like no idea. I'll be meeting her soon, she's coming to LA."

"Damn." Derek sighed. "I kinda feel bad for her man, moving to this crazy city to be with someone she doesn't know!"

I agreed. "But the way I see it, this girls been spoiled by her mom and sheltered her whole life."

"Ohh man what if she's just a gold digger?"

"That's on my parents though." I said painfully. "I'm just sick of all the bullshit."

And I couldn't believe I was going to get married to a girl I didn't know. I mean I could never love her - I mean ever. Just knowing that I was forced into the marriage is enough to make me dislike her.

I was curious as to who she was and how things would be. I don't wanna sound like a guy but - was she a ten or something? It didn't matter much but it was still a major point there.

And me? A husband? Nah that's kind of crazy. Its not me.

"You're gonna get married man."

I laughed. "I feel like backing out but I ain't no choice man. Its either this or no rapping at all."

Derek was quiet.

"How am I gonna do this?" I groaned and leaned back. "I can't grow up this fast and I can't take care of someone else."

"Man, I know you can do this." He said. "You're a tough guy."

"I haven't had a relationship for so long and to just be getting married is so crazy." I continued. "I can't do that."

"It won't be easy but you'll get into it as time passes man, don't sweat a thing."

I closed my eyes. "I don't even want kids man."

Derek sighed. "Yeah that's...that's something else."

-Tori POV-

"I can't believe you're going to be moving to California babe." Jade said on the laptop screen.

I sighed and continue packing. Jade called me on Skype the second I messaged her about the news that I was getting an arranged marriage.

"I love that I'm moving to sunny Cali but..." I stopped and swallowed hard to stop the tears from falling.

Jade sighed. "Look T, tell your mom you can't do least not right now."

"Are you kidding? I tried like every thing but they won't budge! You should have seen their faces when they dropped the bomb."

"Your brother agrees?"

I nodded, folding clothes into my suit case. "Apparently I don't have my life together and this is the only way."

"Bullshit." Jade muttered. "Who is this guy though? Is he any goodlooking?"

I shrugged. "Nathan, is his name I think. I wasnt really paying much attention to that."

"I don't know a Nathan. I hope he isn't some 60 year old man!" Tori made a vomiting motion that made me laugh the slightest bit.

Then I sad down in front of the laptop with a heavy heart. "I'll be there on Sunday, do you mind getting me at the airport?"

"Course I will." Jade nodded. "Will the guy be there too? I need to meet him too."

I nodded. "He'll be there but just in case its not what I accept, I need an escape plan."

Jade laughed. "I'll be there just in case."

"Thanks Jade." I said in relief. At least I wouldn't totally alone in California if this goes badly.

I still had unanswered questions for my mom and brother. What if this marriage had no path? What if I didn't have any kind of click with him?

Would I just have to stick it out? I didn't want that for myself. If I had to be homeless - I guess I'd choose that instead.

After saying goodbye to Jade, I went back to packing but after a while I sat on a pile of clothing and cried my eyes out.

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