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-Tori POV-

I woke up with my heart down in my stomach the next morning. My eyes opened and rested upon the heap of my clothing on Skate's bedroom floor.

I groaned silently. How could I have been so foolish? So caught up with him in my unhealthy state of mind last night. How could he let this happen?

I knew he was awake, because I felt his controlled breathing on my bare back.

"Did - " I began softly.

"I used protection." Skate spoke before I could finish. For some reason I didn't even remember how it led up to us sleeping together. I didn't want to remember.

But...it was definitely the best I've ever had.

"Tori." Skate reached out and laid his hand on my back sending sparks down my spine.

"Don't." I said. "Please dont."

I didn't want to hear anything. I didn't want to talk about any of it until I was in a better state of mind. I felt confused now because I had feeling for Skate.

Of course I had feelings for him. Since the first vacation but now they were so much stronger. But I wasn't sure if it was just because of the one night we had.

"I'm so sorry." Nate whispered.

I finally turned around. When I glanced at him, my heart exploded into a million emotions. His scruffy beard suited him just right, and those sleepy morning eyes had me weak.

"It was my fault." I began. I covered my body in the sheet carefully.

Skate shook his head. "I couldn't stop myself - " he said then stopped and ran his hand through his messy hair that fell in his face again.

My eyes drifted towards the tattoos on his chest. His arms were toned and made my heart flutter thinking of how they encircled me last night.

I closed my eyes, unable to let myself get caught up in this, in him. I was stronger than this now. I shouldn't let him in so fast and so easily. But it was much too hard to resist it.

It seemed like ages before I open my eyes. When I did, Skate was already gazing at me quietly. So I gazed back at him, trying to figure out his mind and what he was thinking.

"Should I take you home?" He asked somewhat reluctantly.

"Please." I nodded. "I feel like I just need time to think about all of this."

"We both do." Skate leaned over the bed to get me his shirt. I slid it on while he averted his gaze but I'm sure he still looked. What was the point of even hiding now?

"You're meeting my parents for dinner tonight remember." Skate added.

I nodded. "Can't wait."

He chuckled at the sarcasm and slid on his clothing. I felt so exposed but so content right now - if that made any sense though.

I wanted to stay with him but the sane part of me knew better than to push something. The sleeping together wasn't supposed to happen just yet or anytime soon. We took the biggest leap in the first night together.

Skate drove me home and I'd texted Jade to let her know I was safe and on my way to her apartment. I wonder what she was thinking right now, if she and Derek knew.

"See you later then." Skate said as he pulled at Jades apartment. I could already see her door open slowly. I jumped out and grabbed my purse, trying not to blush.

"Thanks Skate - " I began and shut the door.

"Tori." He chuckled and said before I could turn and go.

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