In the House

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I plopped down on my couch as he put the disk into the player.

"Carl, what are we watching?" I asked with a giggle.

This had been going on for the past ten minutes, ever since we walked out of the video store.

My boyfriend bought a movie while I was in the bathroom and wouldn't budge in his decision of waiting until the movie was on for me to tell him what it was.

Carl and I had met a few weeks before the apocalypse ended and we had been the best of friends. He protected me like a big brother and cared for me like a father, but when I told him how I felt about him, it all faded into a feeling of a boyfriend.

He had asked me out at that moment and at the time, our relationship was rocky. As rocky as you would expect when the undead was chasing you down every time you moved.

Since then, the apocalypse was officially over and Carl and I became a somewhat normal couple. Whatever normal is.

I mean, we still saw walkers around and Carl would try to protect me, but as stubborn as I was, I refused to let him. I believed that I could handle myself just fine, thank you.

"I know you'll love it," Carl said, sitting next to me on the couch, pulling me out of my thoughts.

I watched as the screen went from black to some white writing.

Screenplay by Eleanor Bergstein

I let out a small gasp and put my hand to my mouth.

I knew exactly what it was.

I thought that they had all disappeared.

It had taken a long time for the stores around town to get back on their feet after the wreck the apocalypse lead to.

They had lost almost all of their goods in the wreck and I figured that the entertainment of people would be at the end of the list in things that needed to be back in the stores.

"I remember you used to talk about this movie all the time. I saw it and I knew that you would love to have it."

I felt a tear slip from my eyes as I pulled Carl into a hug.

Dirty Dancing was my all time favorite movie because at one point in my life, it was the only thing that kept me from complete insanity and loneliness. The fact that Carl found it for me made it all the better.

"Thank you," I said as I placed a small kiss on his lips.

He smiled at me and turned back to the screen, "Come on. You're missing it."

I leant my back against the couch and started to watch the opening credits flash on the screen and then beginning of the movie.

About five minutes after it started, Carl leaned back and placed his arm around my shoulders, bringing me closer to his chest.

I wrapped my arms around his torso and continued to watch Dirty Dancing with complete pleasure.

Sure, I had many good memories with this movie, but now it felt complete because now, I could add the accomplishment of cuddling with my boyfriend who I loved very much to the list.

"No one puts Baby in the corner," Carl muttered against my hair.

I laughed and looked up at him,"You like this movie too?"

He smiled, "Even more now that I get to watch it cuddled up with my beautiful girlfriend."

Day 2: Cuddling

Sucky ending, but I liked this chapter. I would love to know what your favorite movie is. I'm pretty sure that mine is Dirty Dancing. I've been watching it ever since I was three... #sorrynotsorry Luv ya~Miki

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