Dog Tag

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I smiled brightly as I waited in the line that seemed to be never-ending.

It was Walker Stalker day and I was going to meet Chandler Riggs for the second time.

Sure, once would have been enough, but when was enough too much.

I felt my arms tense up as I got closer to the front.

"Hi," the woman who I knew to be Gina Riggs said.

"Hi," I replied back, grinning at the fact that I would be talking to the heartthrob in about two seconds.

After handing Gina the money, she thanked me and handed me a poster with Chandler's character, Carl, on it.

"Thank you," I said before moving on to stand right in front of the beautiful blue eyes that resembled the ocean.

"Hello," Chandler said with a smile.

My face started to ache as I smiled widely, "Hi. I love your work. I think you're absolutely amazing."

He let out a small laugh and thanked me before taking the poster from me.

"What's your name?" he asked me, uncapping his marker.


Chandler signed the poster and shook my hand before giving it back, "It was nice to meet you."

As I turned to step away, I heard Gina make an announcement.

"Chandler is going to be taking a small break. If you would all be so kind to come back in a half hour, then he will happily sign."

I didn't realize the time had gone by so fast.

"Hey, Grace," Chandler said, stepping from behind the table, "Do you want to come have lunch with me?"

I felt my heart flutter and start beating extremely fast.

"Are you talking to me?"

He laughed and nodded, "You're Grace, right?"

I nodded a little too enthusiastically, causing him to laugh once more and me to frown.

"Oh no," he said, "Why are you frowning?"

I shuffled my feet, "I feel like I'm embarrassing myself."

He shook his head and gave me a reassuring smile,"You're perfectly fine."

I smiled back and together, we went off to lunch, spending the entire time laughing and joking around.

Suddenly, my phone went off and I looked to see that it was my mom saying she was back at the place to come and get me.

"I have to go," I said, picking up my bag and grinning widely, "It was nice meeting you and having lunch together. It was extremely nice of you."

My phone began to ring again and I turned to run, but Chandler caught my hand.


My phone rang again and I sighed, "I'm sorry. I really have to go."

And with that, I turned and ran through the building and outside to my mom's car, where I found her extremely pissed.

Even though I spent the entire ride listening to her rant about how I needed to learn to pick up my phone, I didn't really thing about it considering I had just spent the best lunch of my life with Chandler Riggs.

Chandler's POV

I frowned in defeat.

I didn't even get to ask her what her number was.

Chandler Riggs/ Carl Grimes ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now