Just a Cookie

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"Stay here and watch the cookies," Carol said before walking out the front door to wherever she was wondering off to.

I groaned in disgust.

It had been years since I had even touched a stove. My life had been way too occupied in the fact that we were in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.

How Carol could just go back to being a housewife again completely flew over my head. 

"Why does she always leave us behind?" Carl asked sarcastically.

I shrugged, jumping up to sit on the counter while my boyfriend took the chair next to the table.

"I guess she figures that leaving the 'kids' will teach us the importance of being a housewife."

Carl laughed and dipped his fingers into the cookie dough, pulling out a small chunk and placing it on his tongue.

"Mmm," he moaned,"She may be a housewife, but that housewife sure knows how to make cookies."

I shook my head,"I don't know how you eat that stuff."

His eyes widened in disbelief,"You're telling me that you don't eat cookies or cookie dough?"

I shook my head,"I had a cookie once when I was three, I think."

Carl froze in disbelief.

"I already told you about my less then luxurious past."

When I was three, my parents were murdered in the house that I lay sleeping in.

Some people would think that it was a blessing, but sometimes, I wished that the person would have killed me too.

I spent my childhood bouncing from foster home to foster home until a couple with two children adopted me. 

At that point, you'd think that life would have gotten better.

You'd be wrong.

The couple ended up treating me like I was just something to be physically supported, but otherwise, ignored.

It was like living in a metal box that you couldn't escape.

When the apocalypse started, that sorry excuse for a family left me behind to wander the forests searching for them.

After a while, I actually thought my life wasn't worth living and decided to give up.

It's funny how the world works.

It deals you a huge bowl of shit, but turns out to be the one to take the shit away.

Long story short, I ended up with Rick, Daryl, Maggie, Glenn, Carol, and Carl and I don't think I had ever felt so alive. 

Carl nodded,"I don't understand though. Carol's made us cookies plenty of times before. Why haven't you tried them?"

I shrugged,"I guess I figured that a small circle of food wouldn't be able to solve all of my problems. And they smell nasty."

My boyfriend laughed and pulled another small piece of cookie dough off the lump, holding up for me to take it in my mouth.

"Taste it."

I breathes in and smelt the smell that I despised.

"Gross," I mumbled, contorting my face into a frown.

Carl huffed,"You didn't even try it."

"It smells gross."

"Babe, please."

I sighed and bent down to eat the piece off his finger.

I'll admit that it didn't taste as bad as I thought, but it still tasted pretty nasty.

"I don't like it," I said.

Carl frowned and checked on the baked goods in the over.

They looked hot, with the chocolate oozing from tiny pored in the beige circle.

"Will you taste a cookie?" He asked me.

I shrugged,"I already tasted the dough. Why do you want me to taste the cookie?"

He shrugged,"Maybe you'll like it better if it were baked?"

I rolled my eyes with a small chucked and nodded.

He broke a small piece off the cookie and started to blow on it.

"Gross. You're spitting on it," I complained.

He laughed and held the piece out for me to take.

When I bit into it, I felt a small memory of playing games with my mother etch its way into my mind.

I had been so young that it wasn't a clear image, but I could make out my mom and playing candy land.

How I would throw fits if she got the princess's card.

How she would laugh at my childishness.

My mom.

"What does it taste like?" Carl asked, softly munching on his own cookie.


Topic: cooking/baking

I'm actually crying on this one. Let me know if it touched any of you. I wonder if I'm crying because it was good or if it was poking at memories of my own. I don't know.

Anyways, I love that you guys loved Their Day. It made my day go from shitty to savvy in 2 seconds.

Luv ya ~Miki

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