Chapter 3

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Emily POV

When we were all settled I was in a towel and sports bra. "Em, check it out," Spencer signaled me over and I sauntered over to her, apple in my hand and I stuck it in my mouth, leaning on the table as she turned her laptop to me. "Alison DiLaurentis is going to be at some party at a kid named Noel Kahn's house tonight. Some type of party. I suggest you go." I frowned, "how do you know?" I asked as I detached the apple from my teeth and she clicked onto a twitter.

AlisonDiLaurentis: Better not suck tonight @NoelKahn

NoelKahn: The party won't suck, but you might ;)

AlisonDiLaurentis: please. Keep dreaming @NoelKahn. See you at 7 @SeanAckard. try not to suck @HannaMarin 's face off please :)

SeanAckard: No promises @AlisonDiLaurentis @HannaMarin ;)

HannaMarin: I'd rather suck something else ;) @SeanAckard @AlisonDiLaurentis

I sighed and pushed the laptop away, "humans are so pathetic."

"You flirt with girls all the time." Spencer said with a laugh and I shrugged, "whatever...any info on Markalev?" She dragged her finger on the pad and sighed, squinting at it, "wait! There." I said and pulled a chair up. She slid it in front of me and I clicked on the link. "Arthur Markalev...was born in Sainte-Sophie, Quebec, raised by his single unnamed mother..." I sighed and scratched my head, "business man..." I groaned and slammed my hands down. Spencer closed her eyes and moved her fingers around and I smirked, "you go cyborg." Spencer was gifted with a computer for a brain. Well more like 10,000 computers.

"Got it." She started typing into the computer, "got what? What did you come up with?"

She smirked when news articles popped up, "KOMODO STRIKES AGAIN." Read a title. "Komodo?"

She nodded and turned to me, "Komodo. He is a ruthless mercenary who is willing to kill people for money. He seemed to take great pride in his work as he even tracked down one of his surviving targets to the hospital to finish him off." She started literally saying what a computer screen would read and I nodded, "continue." She widened her eyes, "he is wanted for murder in 7 countries Em. He's the real deal here." I scoffed, "I can handle it."

I walked upstairs and said, "what do normal teenagers wear to parties?" I clicked the remote, and the screen, opening me up to a selection of outfits. I scanned them and nodded, grabbing an outfit and pulled the clothes on, looking at my rock solid 8 pack. "How's the bad boys holding up?" Spencer stood in front of me, and I turned to her. "Arms out." She took her hologram out and it projected my stats from last time and she took the wooden bat and hit me at 80 MPH and it shattered on my abs, causing no pain or wound. I chuckled and she nodded, "good."

She walked over to her bag and opened up a box. When I heard her running over I did a backflip over her, grabbing her knife she came at me with mid air, came down and used my legs to yank her down, letting me land on top of her, knife to her chest. A sly grin came do my lips and I chuckled, "am I getting better or are you just getting worse?"

She laughed and used her hands, pushing them against my chest, sending electricity shooting me back, hitting the wall and I chuckled, "clever."

"If Komodo is after Alison then he was paid to do it. He only does things for money. My bet says he knew you'd be in on the mission. He's gonna know about you soon. And let's just pray they didn't think ahead, and paid him to kill whatever agent was on the job."

I fixed the beanie and nodded, "most likely? He was paid to kill whoever got in the way of his job. I'll be fine." I looked down at my gold apple watch and grunted.

"I should really get going. Shit."

"You got the box?" I held up the box and put it in my pocket. Once I open it, all of my equipment will fly out. My mask, bow and arrows, costume. Anything I need. Cool right? I know. It's all shrunken until I open the box, then it all comes out normal size and ready to go. I took a knife and hid one in my pant leg, ready to yank it out in any moment. I looked in the mirror, maroon tee with a jean jacket/hoodie, black jeans, black beanie and gray vans. I took out my camera contact lenses and put them on, then put the walkie talkie chip inside my ear. It blends with the tone of your skin so it's completely invisible.

"Keep a look out for her Emily. She's Jessica's daughter."

I nodded, "I know. See ya." I got into the car and drove to the party. Ready to step into a pool of zit cream, hormones and drunk idiots. Can't wait. Humans...

When I arrived I locked the car and took my phone out. iPhone 6s made from real gold. I think it was like god...I don't remember. $7,000? Something around that. But it's awesome. When I got inside people were already drunk, high, retarded, stupid, fucking, idiotic. You get the gist right?

Anyways. I finally spotted her. She was sipping out of a red solo cup, wearing a tight red cocktail dress, clearly trying to be slutty. Why was I protecting this chick? She seems like a bitch. She was laughing and when she saw a kid looking at her she frowned, "what the fuck are you looking at freak?" She threw her drink on him and he scampered away in terror. Wow. Bitch. I leaned against the wall, watching her from a distance to see what she was doing and then a girl who I knew was Hanna Marin walked over. Charlotte talks about her from time to time. They were long time friends. And then some short girl joined Hanna with 3 guys I was notified was Noel Kahn, Ben Coogan and Sean Ackard.

A kid walked by me and I took his drink out of his hand, "thanks. Now beat it you underaged child." He groaned and walked away. I really couldn't give two shits about their ages. I may be part of an agency but that doesn't mean I'm here to send them to jail. I hate cops. Number one, they think they're better than other organizations like the FBI or CIA for example. Yeah right. Dumbasses. And they also arrest people for the most retarded reasons ever, then people who deserve it get off the hook. Sad right? I know. Enough with my rant. Because a very fine girl walked by me and I smirked, "hey." I said and winked at her. She giggled and sipped her drink, continuing walking and I watched the way her ass bounced as she walked. Damn.

Alison POV

When I was talking to Noel and everyone I some girl was watching me. Dark hair, beanie and very tan skin. But...Like I'm not lying. She was full on watching me. I don't know why and I don't know who the hell she is. But it's annoying. "Dance Ali!" Hanna cheered, taking my hands and making me dance with her. I laughed and we all danced freely to the music and I sipped a beer as I spun around and jumped. After about 30 minutes of doing that I still felt eyes on me. And when I looked, she was still there. Staring me down. She smirked and I rolled my eyes, looking away.


When I turned back around, she was gone.

Who the hell was that?


Yes Ali who was it?

You guys. I am loving writing this so I hope you are loving reading it.

give me some suggestions or ideas you'd like to see and I may use them :)

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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