Chapter 27

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Emily POV

Back at my chamber I found an outfit on the bed. I picked it up and observed it. It's a medieval look. A long sleeve black shirt with a black metal corset belt, and a shoulder strap that has a large black guard on the end of it. There was a long red sash on it. I looked at the box of black makeup and that was when I realized what the outfit was. I went into my desk and took out the poster of the original president of the OSS. Back then we called her "Heda" or the Commander. Charlotte walked in with her outfit on and said, "woah. Talk about an honor. What the hell is this?" She looked at the outfit in shock. I shrugged, "I don't understand. I can't be the commander. Our leader is alive and well. I am not fit to be a commander. Well president."

Charlotte grabbed my shoulders, "hey, relax. I'm sure they are creating a different purpose for the commander outfit. Just put it on. Let me help you."

I sighed, "I hope you're right."

"I am. There is no way you will be the president. If they were going back to having Commanders then they'd need to use the spirit of the Commander which is in the museum of the OSS. Here." She slid the sash piece on my left shoulder and I sighed, looking in the mirror at myself. "I wonder what they're doing with me..." 

Alison POV

I knocked on Emily's door when I was dressed, my body in a black leather dress that flowed at the bottom. When she didn't answer I just walked in and I saw Emily's hair in beautiful braids, tied in different places. "Em?"

She turned around and my breath was caught in my throat. She looked....gorgeous. She smiled nervously, "how do I look?"

I observed the black paint around her eyes, bringing her brown color out more, making me drool over her beauty. I scoffed, "you look...amazing. Absolutely gorgeous."

She blushed under the makeup and smiled, "thank you."

There was a beep of her phone and she sighed, "time to go." She held her arm out to me and I smiled, taking it as she escorted me to a large room. Everyone in the room rose and they made Emily go in the back.

Emily POV

"Why am I in the back?" I asked Jessica and she smiled, "because you are the most honored one."

They all walked in and Veronica said, "and now, welcome the head of Team Arrow, the bravest of them all, and the newest Commander of the hero side of the OSS. She will be by my side, respected as one of the privileged. We will bring back old tradition just for her and her only. Please welcome, the one and only Arrow, and new Heda, Emily Catherine Fields."

I walked in with shock but I kept my demeanor strong and confident, raising my head high. Everyone was on their feet, watching me walk down and when I reached Veronica I kneeled before her. "Emily. It is your time to become the newest Heda. Your parents and I have known since you were born of your power and strength. When the time came we would make it official. Today it is. Your time is here, and has arrived. Emily Fields, you are, Heda." She was handed a little box and when she opened it I gulped. "The spirit of the Commander?"

She smiled and nodded, "yes."

She looked at the chip and said, "Ascende superius."

I frowned and the chip emitted blue strings. They moved my hair away from my neck and nodded. "This might sting." Spencer whispered and I grunted when she sliced my neck with a blade. Veronice released the chip onto my neck and it went inside me. I fell down on both knees, grunting but then it stopped. I felt an overwhelming amount of power surge through me. I sat up, feeling my neck heal and Veronica said, "Emily Fields, osir serve yu en no other." [We serve you and no other]

Trigedasleng language? I haven't heard that since forever. We were required to learn it in class but never used it. 

When the rest of the room repeated it I turned around, having Spencer place the symbol on my forehead. It's like a gear looking thing that sits on my skin and I swallowed deeply but my nervousness disappeared when someone screamed, "LONG LIVE HEDA!"

I felt overwhelmed. Heda. I am Heda. I never imagined such power. Such...role in society. But this doesn't mean I will be with the council. I am still Emily. I will continue my life as it is no matter what.

After the ceremony I walked with Alison and everyone and we sat down for food. "So Heda. How does it feel to be commander?" Hanna asked as she bit into a sandwich. I sighed, "don't call me that. Please. I'm still Emily." I looked at them desperately. "Yeah, Emily the Commander. You're the Heda of all the Heroes at the OSS Em. Do you even understand the power of that? First you were one of the chosen ones, now you're commander? Damn. Talk about a plot twist." Charlotte chuckled and ate her food. "Guys leave her alone. She had no idea, only my mom and her parents knew. So what she is Heda? Just cause she has more power than before doesn't mean she's not still Emily." Spencer said as she sat down next to Aria, of course. "Exactly! Thank you Spencer!" 

Everyone chuckled and Alison looked at me, "for the record? That 'Heda' look? Looks so hot on you."


damn. lot of the 100 in here hahahaha LEXA AF I AM LEXA AS FUCK

I would've posted sooner but i got taken out of my house in an ambulance and i was at the hospital soooo yep. 

Love you all!

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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