Chapter 5

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Emily POV

I was in the warehouse I found years ago and turned it into a lair, on a bar doing pull ups. When I pulled up I jumped my body, moving the bar up the next notch and I kept going until I hit the top, then I went back down. Spencer walked over with Charlotte at her side, "Fields. Next station." Spencer pointed to the car on the thick wire ropes. I had to get around the obstacle of course first. I ran to a wall, kicked off it, grabbed a bar from the ceiling rafters, jumped off and flew through the spiked hula hoop, then floated down to the ground. I only had a sports bra and baggy sweats on. I grabbed the end of the wire and put it over my shoulder, yanking it back, making the car lift up and up. When I reached the wall I put the car back, then had to go to the martial arts training station. I grabbed the two metal small beams and used them to get through the maze of pipes, hitting each and every one as quick as I possibly could. 

"I'm up then." Charlotte grabbed her two metal bars and we moved to the mat and I smiled, "just like old times bud." She laughed, "if by old times you mean last week? Then sure. Old times."

I chuckled and wiped the sweat from my forehead, waiting for Spencer to signal the start. "Go." She said and I swung at Charlotte but she hit my bar away. We clanked and clashed metal against metal, laughing and taunting each other until it was time for what I do every time to beat her. I swung one bar up and she went to block it so I swung the other at her legs, making her grunt and fall to the ground. I held the bar to her face, "dead." I said and tossed the bars to the side. She laughed and when I walked away the bars flew at my head, making me stumble and turn around, only to see her smirking, the 4 bars floating at her sides. I rolled my eyes, "asshole." She laughed and Spencer called Charlotte over while I took a shower in the other room. I got dressed into a black leather jacket and a white tee, then black saggy jeans with black spurs, a gold chain around my neck.

When I walked back out Spencer had laid out all the books I needed, my schedule and a background on Alison. Like for one, her middle name is Lauren. But although Alison has it all, she is easily threatened by people who intimidate her. Her jealousy and need for power often get the best of her and cause her to act cruel and selfish; likewise her fearless nature has helped her to get revenge on her enemies numerous times. Alison is vindictive and cunning, she often uses other people as tools in her manipulations - she is the snake behind an angel's face. Nobody tells a lie better than Alison DiLaurentis. She has a way of using people's secrets against them. She has kept lots of information about her life from her friends, while managing to acquire all of their secrets. Alison often holds private knowledge of her friends over them to stay in control. Alison displays sociopathic qualities: controlling, paranoid, charming, seductive, dominant, incapable of remorse, and extremely intelligent. Though at times, Ali does seem to display real emotion.

Her talents are Lying, blackmailing, manipulation, keeping secrets and playing the Piano. She also has a high interest in fashion. She's 5'6", born on June 6, 1998, making her 17 years old and a senior in high school. Her nicknames consist of Ali, Ali D, Queen Bee, Queen of mean, Queen Bitch, Big A...must I go on? I think not. 

"Ready for one arrow practice then you're off?" Spencer said, handing my bow to me. I nodded and Charlotte had the tennis balls and I stood in place, arrows on my back, bow in hand and Charlotte threw 10 balls up. I shot arrow after arrow and when I was done, all of the tennis balls were mounted to the wall from my shots. "That was fun. See ya guys." I walked out and got into my car. 

Alison POV

"So I don't get it. What's in this then?" Hanna held up her milk carton and I sighed, "jesus Hanna it's called fat. Which you already have enough of so I suggest leaving the milk out of your equation." Aria nudged me and I looked at a very hurt Hanna Marin. I sighed, putting my hand on top of hers, "I'm sorry Hanna. I didn't mean that."

Right then a loud roar came up and I shot my head to the parking lot, seeing a golden Lamborghini Veneno pull up and park in front of the school. I dropped my jaw and then when the driver came out I saw her. The girl from the party. She was in a leather jacket Lexus! Those things cost $ 3,638.00! They're limited edition Philipp Plein! How the hell did she get that! Or that car! It's absolutely stunning!

She walked inside the school, smirking and winked at a group of cheerleaders who nearly passed out at her obnoxious wink. When she saw me she looked me up and down, shook her head while chuckling and walked away, taking out a true gold iPhone 6s. It's real gold. Definitely. I dropped my jaw and Hanna and Aria gawked at her, "she's fucking sexy as hell." Hanna was watching the girl and I rolled my eyes, "she's not that sexy."

"I beg to differ. Did you see her jawline? Hot damn. And her outfit just made her whole bad boy reputation...or bad girl. I don't know but I don't care. Penis girl is smoking hot." Hanna was smirking and Aria nodded, "she really is good looking."

I grunted, "whatever. You are all useless." I rolled my eyes and walked away to English for homeroom.

When the bell rang, about 2 minutes after that girl walked in with a cocky little grin on her face. "Late? On your first day?" Mr. Fitz was raising his eyebrow at the girl but she shrugged, "sorry?"

"Just find a seat Ms. Fields."

Fields...good to know. When she looked around I stiffened, realizing the chair beside mine is open. Oh god no. God please no don't sit here. She smirked and walked over to me, "Hiya there Barbie." I shot her an annoyed glare, "what are you doing here?"

She shrugged and opened a book, "learning. What about you?"

I gave her an I'm not retarded, asshole look, only making her shrug, "it's whatever."

Whatever my ass. We're sitting next to each other and everyone thinks she is so hot. Perfect.


What do you think?

Hot Emily working out, sassy emission!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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