Chapter 38

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Emily POV

I woke up with a groan. "What the hell happened?" I looked around and I was in the infirmary or the OSS. "You died. That's what," Charlotte said and I frowned, "I don't understand."

"You died Emily."

"But how am I..." I trailed off and looked to my right. "No. No no no no no. Ali? Alison." I stood up from my bed and ran to Alison's. "Why would you let her do this Charlotte!" I screamed at Charlotte, slamming her to the wall angrily. She didn't fight back. She just had bags under her eyes, looking totally restless. "I'm sorry..."

"You're sorry? SHE COULD BE DEAD!" I screamed and all of a sudden Charlotte screamed out. There was wind circling around the room and Charlotte cried out. "EMILY!" The door flew open and Spencer ran in with a nurse. "Miss Fields please stop this!" She yelled and I grunted, forcing my hand towards her and she froze in place, gasping for air and Spencer widened her eyes, "Emily what are you doing."

The girl's face started changing and she screamed in fear as I mutated her body. "EMILY STOP!" Spencer screamed at me but I couldn't. I felt an overwhelming amount of power inside of me that I couldn't control or contain.

Her face grew out a large snout, green with scales. Spencer backed up, guarding Alison's bed and Charlotte was crippled on the floor as my free hand was controlling her blood in her body, keeping her in a curled position. The nurse screamed out but then her screams turned into a loud rumbling growl. she hunched over as a large tail grew out of her and in seconds she wasn't human anymore. She was a crocodile lying on the ground, not moving and I knew she was terrified. I dropped my hand slowly realizing what I have done and Spencer and Charlotte stared at me in shock. "What the fuck was that?!" Spencer screamed and Charlotte said, "Headlok. He enhanced your powers didn't he?"

I shut my eyes, nodding, "I'm so sorry...I...I don't know what I did. I wasn't in control..."

"NO SHIT YOU WEREN'T IN CONTROL! YOU TURNED A NURSE INTO A FUCKING ANIMAL!" Spencer screamed at me and I heard loud beeps. I looked at Alison and her body was shaking. I ran over, "baby. Hey. Hey it's me angel. Relax babe. You're okay," I whispered as her body kept shaking like crazy. "What's going on?" I said to Spencer and she came over with a puzzled look. "I don't know...maybe her body is giving up..."

I shook my head, "no. No she's okay. Right Al? Open your eyes gorgeous. Those perfect blue eyes. Let me see them."

She didn't open them. Her body was freaking out and I grunted, "Dammit Alison open you're eyes. Please...I can't lose you..."

"Emily. Emily relax," Spencer said and I didn't until I heard a gasp escape my beautiful girlfriend's lips. I smiled, "Ali? Al. Al it's me. You're okay," I whispered, cupping her cheek gently and she opened her eyes fully, looking up at me, "Em? You're alive?"

I nodded as tears filled my eyes up, "we both are love. You're okay." She groaned and said, "no. No get me a trash can." I pulled one over and she grabbed it, doubling over to puke in it. "Take her temperature," I ordered, standing up and Charlotte came over but I grunted, "no! You stay away from her."

Charlotte froze in place and the crocodile nurse was huddled in the corner and the door opened, Hanna and Aria filing in with Jessica behind them, a doctor following. "What the hell is going on in here?!"

"Oh my baby," Jessica ran over and hugged Alison who handed me the trash can and I gagged, "gross..." I placed it down and the doctor checked her vitals and everything, then frowned. "Miss DiLaurentis...I uh..."

I looked up, "what's wrong?"

"Yeah what's wrong?" Ali asked and the doctor scratched the back of his bald head. "Nothing is wrong but...were you aware that you are pregnant?"

I felt my eyes bulge out and Alison's did too. "I'm what? How can that be possible?"

"Well you see when two people get together and-" "Shut up Hanna!" We all shouted and Alison looked at me, "pregnant? But I don' No Em I'm not ready. Not at all. I'm 17!" She started panicking and I took her hand, "hey. Hey look at me angel."

She turned her head to me, sweat dripping down the side of her face. I smiled gently, wiping it off, "you're okay. Everything will be alright."

"No it won't! I'm giving birth! How far in am I?"

"About 2 weeks," the doctor said and Jessica sighed, "oh dear."

"Oh dear? More like oh shit! Mom. Mom I can't have a child. I'm not ready," Ali's eyes filled with tears and Jessica smiled, brushing her daughter's hair behind her ears, "you're going to have this baby Alison. Everything will work out. I promise you."

I looked at Spencer who just grinned at me and I sighed, nodding. "You have me Al. We're in this together."

Her head shot to me, "really? You're not going to leave?"

I chuckled, "and miss out on the chance of raising a kick-ass hero? Hell no." Ali finally giggled, making me smile even wider and she wiped her tears, "really?" "Yes really babe. It's okay. You'll only be pregnant for 2 months and then we'll have our kid."

"What? 2 months? No it's 9," She argued but we laughed, "for humans it is. You're a mutant and so am I. If two mutants reproduce then the embryo will develop quicker and more efficient."

Alison looked at her stomach, "so...I'm gonna be a fat cow within the next few days then?"

Everyone laughed and Aria said, "a hot fat cow. Right Em?" She gave me a look to say anything to make Alison smile. I nodded, "a gorgeous and hot mom. Not the fat or cow part. You're gonna be a mom angel."

She giggled, tearing up again, "and you're gonna be a dad handsome."

I grinned widely and placed my lips onto hers.

I'm gonna be a dad.


didn't see that one coming did ya?

welp they're alive.

i am back!

check out against loving you! lmao

and what do you think about Emily's strength? What new powers do you think she gained? 

Review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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