Chapter 13

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1 Week Later (November 22, 2015)

Emily POV

I woke up on Charlotte's couch and looked at my Apple watch. I groaned and sat up, only to see Alison sitting at the edge of the couch, watching TV. I grinned, "what are you doing here?"

She turned to me, "you're awake!"

She moved closer and smirked, "Morning."

I smiled as she pecked my lips sweetly, "morning Princess. Wanna tell me why you're here?" She shrugged, "I wanted to see you."

I nodded and sat up, "how about you can see me later. Dinner? The Grille at 7?" She gasped, leaning back and putting a hand to her chest in a dramatic manner, "my gosh. Emily Fields, are you asking me out on a date?"

I chuckled, playing with the tips of her hair, "our 5th, to be exact." "Big step. What's in store for tonight Fields?" I smirked, "oh no. I can't tell you."

"And why not?" She was grinning mischievously at me, leaving me in a low chuckle, "because..." I kissed her and said, "it's a surprise." I stood up and walked to the kitchen, only to have her follow me and wrap her arms around my waist, kissing the back of my shoulder blade. "Have I mentioned how good you look in the morning?" She had a sweet voice and I smiled lovingly down at the blonde, "Have I ever mentioned how gorgeous you are Princess?"

She giggled, "yes. Like a million times." I shrugged, "guess we'll have to make this a million and one. Cause you're gorgeous. So so gorgeous." I pecked her soft lips and she smiled, "thank you handsome."

Alison POV

When Emily reached up to get a plate, her shirt lifted up and I saw large black patterns on her tan skin. "Tattoos?" I asked. She frowned and turned to me, "huh?"

"You have a tattoo on your back. Can I see it?" She chuckled, "sure Princess." She took her shirt off fully and she was wearing a sports bra but I saw large black swirls and I smiled at the attraction it has. "What is it?"

"A tribal pattern." "Its meaning?" Emily chuckled and spun on her heal, hands landing on my waist, "that's a story for another time." I pouted, "you know everything about me, yet I know nothing about you." "Well...what would you like to know?" I shrugged, "when can I meet your parents? Or go to your house?" She sighed, "my parents live in Texas. My dad is stationed there and I don't let anyone inside of my house." "Not even me?" I made a pouty face and she sighed, smiling apologetically, "not yet Princess."

Emily POV

Alison kept questioning me about my life but I side-stepped each question. When Charlotte walked downstairs, "morning love birds."

I chuckled and put out plates of pancakes, letting them eat when I got a text from Spencer.

Bank Robbery on 8th street. Hostages involved, 5 guys. Get on it.

She linked the address and I said, "I got to go. Spencer needs me. See ya." I kissed Alison's cheek and Charlotte looked at me questioningly and I nodded, assuring it wasn't a huge deal. I drove home to get dressed and got on my motorcycle, pulling up in the back of the bank. Police haven't arrived yet. I got my bow ready and snuck in through the back entrance. "Stay on the ground!" A guy had a gun pointed at a woman's head. I squinted and widened my eyes at who I saw in the corner. "Spence, Aria and Hanna are here." I spoke into the mic and she shouted, "WHAT?!"

"Relax romeo. I'll get them out safely. Hanna knows what to do. We'll make sure your girlfriend is safe," I joked and she grunted, "she's not my girlfriend."

"Yet." I added and she chuckled, but it was dry. She was too nervous and worried. "She'll be fine." I assured and looked around. The fire sprinklers. Perfect. I took a lighter out and walked over to the closet one. I put it up to it and made eye contact with Hanna. When the sprinklers go on, get to safety with Aria. I'll meet you.

She nodded and the alarm went off, making everyone jump and the water flew everywhere. Hanna grabbed Aria and they made a run for a different room while I followed their moves, then met them in a secluded room. "Here. Don't get hurt." I handed Hanna a sword from the box with all of my weapons in it that are small until you pull it out, then they transform to full size. I threw her her costume and she quickly changed. "Wait. I want to help." Aria interjected and I looked at Hanna. "When we attack, you get those people the hell out of there." She nodded and I nodded, "let's do this Canary." We fist bumped and went separate ways. We met at the top, a bridge over where 2 guys stood. "I SAID ON THE GROUND!" He kicked a teenage boy and I nodded at Hanna. We jumped down and I used my knife to slice his neck as I landed on my feet, Hanna sliced so hard the guy's head fell right off. Everyone screamed and the other 3 guys came in, "what are you doing here?"

I glared at who looked like the leader of them, "killing your sorry asses. Let these people go and nobody has to get hurt."

They all laughed, "like we'd do that. They're witnesses. They're pathetic."

The water from the sprinklers finally stopped and I shrugged, "you wanna do this the hard way? Fine. It's game time." I shot an explosive arrow, making them jump back as smoke and fire jumped up the ground. I flew through the smoke and shot an arrow at one guy's head, killing him. People screamed and ran all around. Hanna was fighting a guy with her fists and she kicked her leg out, kicking his chest and then stabbed him in the stomach. He grunted and fell to the ground. I heard a scream and when I turned around I saw the guy shooting the walls with a flamethrower, running out with a bag of money. "LET'S GO!" I screamed to Hanna and ran after him. I flew out side and tackled him to the ground. The bank went up in flames inside and Aria was trying to get everyone out the best she could. Police were there and firetrucks started coming. I tied him up and threw him to the police, "HANDS WHERE WE CAN SEE THEM!" They held guns up to me and I chuckled, "I'm not the enemy here dip shits."

"HANDS UP!" Officer Monroe screamed at me and I grunted, "there are people in there! Let me go!" I shouted and they walked over to me, handcuffs in hands. "No way. You're under arrest."

I kicked my legs out, knocking him to the ground and I ran inside, looking around. I heard crying and screaming and I saw a little girl in the corner, crying and coughing as smoke filled her lungs. I sprinted over, dodging falling pieces of the wall and ceiling. I ran over to her and she looked at me, crying. "You're okay. I got you." I picked her up and she buried her head into my shoulder as I ran her outside to the fresh air and paramedics ran over, taking her and Hanna and Aria clapped, as did everyone else. The police were even clapping. I waved and grabbed Hanna's hand, jumping up and making us fly. She was giggling, "this is awesome."

I chuckled and nodded, "right?"

We landed at the lair and went inside. "Is Aria okay?" I nodded, "She's fine Spencer. I promise. I got to get ready for my date with Alison."


Kinda a fluffy and action packed chapter.

review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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