Chapter 32

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Emily POV

"Emily..." I groaned, "go away." "Emily. Wake up," A soft voice whispered and I sighed, "what?" I said as  I sat up. My breath hitched and my heart stopped in my chest when I saw the girl standing in front of me.


She smiled weakly at me, "I needed to talk to you." I sat up more, "what is it?"

She breathed heavily, "you need to be careful Em. Headlok is coming for you. And he will do whatever it takes to have your head on a stick. Then he's going for everyone else. You need to be careful."

I frowned, "I know. Veronica told me-" "No Emily you don't understand! He's making an army! He's going to take everyone you love!" I gulped at her outburst but then I realized she was clearly in a rush. "Why are you freaking out?" I whispered and she said, "they're going to find me. I'm not supposed to be talking to you. The spirits will get mad. But I just had to see you, my love." She put her hands on my cheeks and I shut my eyes, taking in her touch and although it was very cold, I still loved every second of it.

"I love you," I whispered and when I opened my eyes again she smiled, a single, shimmering blue tear falling down her cheek. "I love you too Catherine," she whispered, grabbing my cheeks and kissing me, "may we meet again."

And with that, she was gone. I shut my eyes and rubbed my face, standing up and getting dressed for the day. I put on my Team Arrow black tight suit and I met everyone at the teleporter. "Let's go shall we?" I said and walked into it, taking Alison by her hand and pulling her through.

When we were all in the lai I led them to the basement where the walls are sounds proof and power proof so nothing will break. I turned to them, "today we are training to test your abilities and skills! You will battle, one on one. You either forfeit or you get pinned down. Who's up first?" I said and Hanna walked forward with Alison next to her.

I nodded and waved everyone to leave the arena. They got ready and I hit the buzzer, signaling for them to go.

Hanna threw fire ball after fire ball but Ali deflected it with her force field. She ran and turned invisible. Hanna looked around, trying to spot Alison. "Really Ali?!" Hanna shouted and I heard Alison's cute little giggle. Next thing I knew she jumped down from a car in there and threw a force field at Hanna, pinning her to the ground.

We all clapped and walked in, "very well done beautiful," I complimented and kissed her sweetly. "Who's next?" I said. "Me and you Fields. Like old times." I looked at Charlotte and smirked, "works for me. Get ready to lose DiLaurentis."

We got to opposite sides of the arena and Spencer hit the buzzer. I ran at Charlotte and she ran at me. When I got there I slammed my fist into the ground, rippling the wooden floors, sending Charlotte flying. I launched myself in the air and kicked her across the arena. She groaned and I grinned, flying at her full-speed until my eyes failed me. They were shut.

I grabbed them, trying to reopen them but nothing worked.

I felt Charlotte break into my mind so I fought back, pushing her out but she went deeper. She let my eyes open and when I did I realized I was heading to the wall. I braced myself for impact because I knew she was controlling my body. I hit the wall and fell down, only to hear everyone "ooh". I stood up and laughed, "gotta try harder than that!"

I focused and grunted as I picked up the car. I launched it at Charlotte and she tumbled out of the way. I ran over to her and jumped in the air, screaming as I soared to her on the ground but I was hit by her using her telekinesis to throw things at me. I mustered up strength inside and I blew out of my mouth and a huge wind blew Charlotte backwards.


I smirked and flew at her, my foot on her chest and I smiled, "I always."

She groaned and stood up, "of course."

I laughed and dangled my arm over her shoulders. "Nice try though," I said and patted her chest. "How did you do that? The wind thing?"

I shrugged, "guess it just came to me."

We walked out and Alison smiled widely, "babe! That was amazing! How did you do that?!" She kissed me and I grinned at her, "guess you bring out the best in me Angel."

I sent Aria and Spencer in and clearly Spencer didn't want to hurt Aria so Aria ended up winning. So she begged to go against Hanna. Hanna won.

"If we want to beat Headlok we gotta do whatever it takes-" "what if that means risking the lives of humans?" Alison cut in and I bit my lip, "we're going to have to take that chance," I said and Alison shook her head, "no. No Em I won't let you. I had friends back home. Those are my people. We need to make sure they are all safe."

I sighed, "Al if we do that we would risk my people's lives. I can't let that happen. I am supposed to lead them through war. Not kill them."

"And you don't have to! Emily we aren't going to let Headlok get to the humans. He already killed some of them. Please. You can't do this," she begged me, blue eyes pleading and I looked away, "Yes I can. Get back to work. You all have a lot of training to do," I ordered and walked away, taking Spencer with me.

"She won't be happy you know," Spencer said and I nodded, "I know. I am only doing what is best for my people Spencer."

We sat down and went through the past deaths because of Headlok and the mass murder of everyone killing each other. "How do we find him?" Spencer said and I ran a hand through my hair, "we don't. He finds us."


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What do you think Headlok will do??? o:

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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