Chapter 39

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1 Month Later

Alison POV

I woke up and felt Emily's hot breath against the back of my neck. I turned around and smiled at her resting features. "Staring is unkind," she mumbles and I giggle, "I can't help it. You're just so beautiful," I whisper as I gently stroke her cheek bone, pushing a few strands of hair behind her ear and her chocolate eyes opened up but they weren't chocolate. They were red. A dark red and I frowned, sitting up, "what's wrong with your eyes?"

Emily sat up too, confused and stood, going to the mirror and she looked into it, her eyes widening, "what the hell?" 


She turned around and looked at me and I looked in the mirror myself, holding my large stomach. "It's like it got even bigger just overnight," I whispered and Emily seemed to forget about her eyes as she just grins and puts her hand on my stomach, "told you it'd be fast." She places her lips on mine and kisses me lovingly. 

"Now. What is going on with my lovely girlfriend's eyes?" I cup her cheeks and stare into them and she just stands still, her red eyes staring at me, as if into my soul. "Ugh," she murmurs and I frown, "what's wrong?" She scrunches her face up and all of a sudden I feel like my throat is closing up. I grab at my neck and gasp for air to get into my lungs and I see Emily gasp and her eyes turn brown again, my throat opening up and I let go of my neck, holding myself up by the bed as I regain my breathing.

"What the hell, Emily?! How did you do that?" 

She looks at me with a startled expression and she backs up nervously, her body shaking.

Her eyes tear up, "I-I. I'm...I'm s-sorry." I shake my head, "no Emily it's fine, really. Don't freak out." 

Emily POV

I stared at Alison and the door opened, making me jump and Spencer sighed, "morning. Ready for school?" Spencer asks and Ali sighs, "yeah, sure. Let's go."

She stopped and looked at me, "you going to be okay?"

I nod and kiss her, letting her leave and when they are both gone I walk out of the room. I feel someone grab my arm and I see it to be Charlotte. "What?" I ask a little too jumpy and she raises an eyebrow, "I know I'm not exactly your favorite person right now Emily but I'm still your best friend. I know you're having issues with controlling your new powers."

I sighed and looked away, "you have no right in conversing with me-" "don't talk like an asshole Emily."

I roll my eyes and fold my arms, "I can learn to control. I've always known how to control."

"Well not now you don't-" "YES I DO!" I scream and the floor starts shaking. Charlotte stumbles back and I widen my eyes, trying to relax my nerves.

"Emily. Em. Emily," Charlotte grabs my shoulder and I gasp as I jump, looking into her eyes and she frowns, "are you okay?"

I look around and people are watching us in confusion, some looking at the ground that just stopped shaking like an earthquake was happening. 

"You need help, Em. He gave you mental powers. You've never explored that area and you need the experience and right mind-set to use it."

I nod with a gulp, "how do I get help?" 


I raise my eyebrow, "Xavier?"

She nods and says, "he keeps a low-key profile but if you reach out to him at Sky High, he will not hesitate to assist you. After all, he taught me everything I know." I smile and nod, "yeah...Guess I should walk with you to school huh?"

Charlotte nods slowly, "if you want..." 

The air is thick and it feels awkward because I know she is still nervous around me. After all she did. "Charlotte."


I sigh and breathe out heavily, "I uh...I don't want things to be awkward. I know I've been sort of hard on you lately...for everything. I just um...I just want you to know that. I forgive you. I don't blame you for turning on us. It was my fault." Charlotte chuckled, "no Em-" "just. Let me finish. You were a great friend and you were trying to have fun but...I held you back. I was an asshole who deserved what she got. And the influence of the A.I. only made it worse. So I'm sorry for making you do what you did. If I didn't act like a cocky jerk none of this would've happened."

Charlotte didn't ignore me for a second. She listened the whole time and after I was done she nodded, "I'm sorry too...I almost got my sister killed. If I didn't let him do what he did to you, Alison wouldn't have felt the need to heal you...and practically kill herself! I almost killed her. It was my fault! If I wasn't so jealous of your power and reputation and damned popularity I wouldn't have switched sides!" She was balling her eyes out and I just walked over and pulled her into me, hugging her tightly to my body. "We're both at fault. Okay? Alison's fine. She's alive. And carrying our child. She's perfect."

Charlotte pulls away and nods, "I uh...I never tell you this but Emily...I..."

I smiled warmly and nodded, "I know. I love you too Char."

She smiles weakly and we hug again, then wipes our tears and make our way to Sky High.

When we get there I start walking to where Xavier's office is and I see Ivy and Jenny talking to Alison who looks more than uncomfortable. "Hey! Jenny!" I shout as I walk over with a smile. Alison turns to me, frowning in curiosity and Jenny smiles nervously, "hey Em. Looking good."

"Thanks. You did you do that? Liposuction? Or did you just do a lot of push-ups?" I smirk as I tilt my head, reminding her of how Charlotte made her fat and she just blushed majorly. "Professor X helped me."

"Oh he did, now did he? Well that's fantastic. Now how's this for helping...stay away from my girlfriend, or I'll be sure that you regret it." I clenched my hand and her eyes falter, blinking as she tries to resist but I force her to turn to Alison. "Now. Why don't you apologize Jenny?" I hiss and she sniffles, "I-I'm s-sorry Alison."

Alison eyes me and nods, "It's okay...Emily! A word?" I nod for her to follow me as I walk to Charles' office and she hisses in a hushed voice, "what the hell was that?"

I shrug, "that, was me helping you. You're welcome."

"No Emily not you're welcome. I don't need you fighting my battles for me. I can stand up for myself."

I scoff, "well you haven't so far."

I knew once I said this that it was a mistake because Alison narrowed her eyes at me, "you did not." I sigh, "I'm sorry. Look I new powers are out of control and I'm going to Charles Xavier for help. It's been messing with me and I'm stressed. I'm sorry."

Alison looks up at me and sighs, rubbing her stomach, "don't...just promise me that you won't lose yourself. Don't be an idiot?"

I chuckle and nod, "I think I can keep my childish ways in check, babe."

I peck her lips and bend down, kissing her stomach, "I love you and you. Bye angel." I walk away and go to the office door. I sigh and lift my hand, knocking on it.


Will Emily be an idiot with her powers?

Review and comment!

~stay fearless~

caleigh <13

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