5.Mean Girls

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Jessie  pov

My eyes went to them as Malia suggested.Owen Parker, school's nerd and gay who everyone make fun of.Eva Lewis, an ugly fat girl who no one wants to be friend with.Last,Sofia Brown, here's something unique about this fragile beauty under her big glasses, she's is the only person who I hate the most in the whole universe.

"Oh hey, Peter Parker, where's your camera?"Malia snorted. "At my house, wanna take a photo"Owen smirked back. "Nope, but I'm sure,Halie would love to.By the way, tell her I say hi,"Malia glared at him and he gasped.Halie is Owen's twin sister and she was expelled last year for stealing Malia's pearl necklace.Even though, the necklace was found back, the weak ones always lose. "Malia,please leave us alone,"Sofia bagged. "Said the girl who killed her own boyfriend,"Amy interrupted and the girls laughed.I just smirked at her sorrow face.Tears fell down through her glasses. "You shouldn't even deserve to cry,honey,"Kira added and the girls laughed more. "Stop it, you guys shouldn't do like this,"Eva interrupted but shut her mouth when she realized her mistakes. "What did you say?"Malia glared, walking to her and tried to beat her. "Stop it!" Sofia said as she pushed Malia away,unfortunately,Malia twisted her ankle and fell down. "How dare you" I said as I raised her hand to slap Sofia. "Stop!"we heard unfamiliar voice from behind.I turned back and saw a boy, but unfamiliar face.

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