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I got up with one of the worst headache.I must've drunk many beers last night.I didn't remember much about last night.Kira sang for me and I kept drinking till I forgot every thing. Shawn, being cold and unfriendly to me was one of the reasons why. "How's the hangover? You look awful,"Gwen greeted me when I walked into the kitchen. "I'm dying,"I sighed as I took out the orange juice from the fridge and drank it. "Shawn took you home last night.By the way, who is he? Your boyfriend?"Gwen questioned.As soon as I learned about last night, I accidentally split the juice."No,"I answered with a little caught.I was shock.Normally,Dylan would take me home whenever I get drunk, if he was busy,Max or Brad would take his duty. Definitely, not Shawn. "That kid seems cool.He's nice,"she added. "Why he took me home? He must be really drunk,"i murmured. "What did you say?"Gwen asked. "Nothing,"I said. "Sorry girls,I had too much work last night,"mom said as she entered the kitchen with food. "It's okay mom.We are fine with that,"Gwen said while winking to me.Even though, she and I fight sometimes, she protects me sometimes.If mom knows i was drunk I'm sure she'd kill me anyway. "Pizza or Burger?"Gwen asked. "Pizza,"I replied.But the thoughts of Shawn keep running through my head.

I was with the girls when I saw Dylan and Max heading to us. "Hello ladies, what's the plan for coming weekend?"Max asked. "What about going to the beach?"Kira suggested. "Beach? I'm in,"Malia smiled with excitement. "count me in too,"Max said. "Well, count me out.I've got some family time,"Dylan said. "Yeah, me too,"L added. "Wait...together?,"Malia asked us. "Yes.Our moms planned to go hiking ,"Dylan said. "Wow, I'm so envy of you two.Having rich families, supportive moms,"Amy said. "That's our lives,"Dylan said. "But, not always happy,"i added.The Fosters were perfect. They got a happy family and a good company. Mine was worse.Divorced parents, brother got killed and I am a bad girl.

That evening, I went to sit with Shawn who was reading under the tree. "Hey hero, I mean Shawn,"I smiled at him as I took a seat in front of him. "Hi,"he smiled and continued reading. "Umm, I just want to say thank you for taking me home last night.I was like an animal,"I said while looking at the ground.Because it was too embarrassing to face him. "It's okay.And you weren't that bad,"he smiled. "Anyway thanks for last night.What are you reading?,"I asked. "It's Wuthering Heights,"he answered.Why does he read those silly longest noble in the world. "Do you like it?"I asked and he nodded. "It's all about life and it also learns how to live,"he continued. "What about you? Do you read any books?"he asked. "Well...Yes, but not very much,"I lied.Books are the things that i hate the most besides frogs.Frogs are creepy and gross.Well,books give me the same effects as frogs.Then he got a call. "Hey,alright I'll be there in a minute,"he smiled. "Who's the lucky girl that makes you smile, even on the phone?"I questioned. "It's Sofia, she says she needed help.I gotta go.Bye,"he told me as he headed to Sofia.What the hell just happened? I was left for a loser like Sofia? I wanted to start hating my life.Then, I got a message from my mom saying that we'll be shopping for hiking.I sighed and headed home.

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