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Shawn pov

I'm at the hospital to meet Liam. I was shocked when I found out he was Sofia's son. Sofia's my best friend and I should be there for her. "Hey," Sofia's voice brought me back to reality. "What's the matter that you need to see me here? It's thanksgiving anyway," she smiled. "I came here for Liam." I replied, hanging her the brown teddy bear I bought at Target yesterday. "Shawn, you don't really need to ditch your family just to be with us," she said. "The dinner's ready. I just came here to say hello," I added. "Alright, come. He's just woken up," she stated, leading me to Liam's room.

"Sofia!", someone called out. Sofia's face turned pale and I knew who it was. We turned around and saw Jess. Is she drunk in the middle of the day? She was a total mess. "Let me see him," Jess continued. She walked to us but tripped since she was took drunk to walk. Luckily, I caught her and she fell right in my arms. "Can I see my nephew?" she whispered. "That's enough!" Sofia's snapped. "You can't came in here and act like the aunt of the year. You're drunk and I don't want you or your family to meet him. That's why I kept him away from the start!" she glared at Jess who was looking at her with widen eyes. "Your family is a mess. Stay away from my son," Sofia stated as she walked away from us. " Jess? You okay?" I asked her and she shook her head. "Liam is the son of my big brother. Is it too wrong for me to see him?" she muttered as she dozed off in my arms. Typical drunk Jess. What was I expecting? I sighed and carried her to my car. After I seated her at the level seat, I climbed up to the driver seat.

"Alright Jess, lets get you home," I said as I started the engine. "I don't want to go home," she murmured. Her voice was shaking and I wondered if she was crying. I wasn't sure since she was facing the window outside. "Then where do you want to go? Today's thanksgiving and not all of us are free to enjoy alone time," I stated as I looked at the clock. It's already 4 P.M. I have a dinner with my family at 7 tonight. Where can I leave her if she doesn't want to home? She wasn't in the position to be left without provision. "Just drive away from this town," she sighed as she became silent. I didn't question further and drove my car away from the town. This is not exactly how I planned my thanksgiving.

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