31.The Poor Life of the Great Jessie Fallon Maxwell

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Jess pov

"You can count on me like one, two, three, I'll be there,"

I woke up to the sound of Bruno Mars' angelic voice. Shawn was driving beside me. "You don't really need to play that song, you know," I groaned as my headache was killing me. "Say the one with the nephew issue," he blurted out, keeping his eyes on the road. "Ough!" I glared at him. "How're you feeling anyway?" he finally asked. "Sober," I answered, looking through the window. We were already out of town. "Where are we going?" I questioned. "I don't know. You should've told me the specific direction before you passed out," he shrugged. "And now we're going where?" I looked at him, confused. "I have no idea," he smirked at me. I hate that smirk, it made me think like he has won against me. "You made me to drive out of town. And that's what I was doing before you're awake," he stated. "We're pretty far from home," I remarked as I saw the bay nearby.

"I didn't know Beacon Hill has a hidden bay," Shawn muttered as we got closer to the beach. "You'll be surprise what's in store for us under that bay," I said. "What's that? Don't say, a pirate ship," he mocked. I rolled my eyes.

The bay was quite. The only sound was the waves crashing the shore and the ocean breeze tickled my face. "So, we're practically alone here. There's no one," Shawn remarked as he stood beside me. "And about the pirate ship?" he asked in curious tone. "See for yourself!" I yelled as I ran into the ocean. He followed me. As we dived under the ocean, a giant old ship greeted us under water. There were colorful fishes playing around. I can definitely say Shawn was amazed by the view with the look on his face. A few moment later, we went back to the bay.

"That was beautiful," Shawn smiled as we sad on the sand. "I even saw the pirate flag around there," he added. "Are you sure that was real?" I asked and he nodded. He seemed like a ten years old. I just looked at him, trying my best not to laugh. "Wait, you said you've been here before. Was it yours?" he asked in confuse. "It was Scott's. He wanted to make people believe it was a real pirate ship," I explained and we locked eyes. Later, we burst into laughers.

"Scott was the only one who understands me," I stated, staring at the ocean. "Maybe I was like him in a lot ways," I chuckled. "Every thanksgiving, we had to split up for our parents. If Gwen is staying at my dad's, Scott and I would be staying at mom's." I explained. "And I never liked to stay with my dad and his family," I sighed as I reminisced the old times. "I hate dad for leaving us at my eight birthday. And I hate everything that's related to him. Scott knows that and he was the one who's been there for me," I said. "One time, dad and I fought. He said I was nothing but a broken damaged girl who was afraid to let anyone in," I continued. "I stormed out and I ran away. Scott was the only one who found me. No, he was the only one who was looking for me," I sighed. "Mom was busy, Gwen didn't even care and dad didn't have time to search his fourteen year old daughter who went missing for three days," I said as tears slipped through my eyes. "Maybe dad was right. I was just a broken girl with trust issue. I still am," I coughed. Shawn said nothing but gave a gentle pat on my shoulder.

We sat there in silent until the sun came down. "We gotta go now. It's already 7,"Shawn said. "Wait, what about your thanksgiving dinner with your family?" I asked in confused. He let out a small sigh.

"I had a fight with my father," he replied. "Want to share?" I raised my eyebrows. "I mean I can listen to you this time," I shrugged. He gave me what on earth look. "I know we've been in good terms lately, well, after I kicked you out from Empire and today's events. But now I've told you about how messed up I am, I can listen to you too," I smiled. "Alright, after I've learned the poor life of the great Jessie Fallon Maxwell, It's fair that I share my poor life too. Isn't it?" he smirked. "Definitely," I nodded. "Lets go now. I will tell you on the way home," he chuckled as we headed back to the car.

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