39.Two Sweet Kiss

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I know I was being a jerk. Jess and I locked eyes and she wanted me to go and talk to her but I was scare. I'm afraid that I might learn that she and Dylan were going out. I am a coward. Then I saw Jess leaving the party. "Stop staring at her and follow her already," Sofia glared at me. "I don't know. What if she and Dylan are already together?" I shrugged. "Seriously? If they're together, Dylan would be with her, not drinking alone at that table," Eva pointed Dylan, where he was drinking alone.

"I don't like Jess at first but since she'd promised not to bother us anymore, I think you should go out with her, Shawn," Owen added. "She promised that?" I asked in surprised. "I think she's trying to change the way she used to be," she answered. "Thank you guys," I said as I ran and followed Jess. Jess was quick, I saw her car leaving the parking lot. Thankfully, I bought my bike today. I rode my bike and followed her. She wasn't heading her home, she was heading to the park.

I parked my bike and went inside the park. I spot Jess sitting near the skating ground. "I never knew you would ditch the party of the year," I remarked as I walked and sat beside her. "You did amazing, at the game," she stated, staring at the skating ground. "I was looking for you, you said you'd deal with me later when the game is over," I stated. "Here I am." I said. "I don't know how to deal with you," she finally spoke. "I think I'm finally able to let go of Scott," she added. "And my parents are working with Sofia's family on how to raise Liam better," she said, "And of course, with a peaceful environment," she chuckled. "I used to call you hero in a sarcastic way, but it seems like you're a true hero," she smiled. "You're weird, are you drunk?" I asked in worried. "I can't believe I am asked the same stupid question again," Jess made an eyeroll.

"Yes and I feel weird tonight. I finally forgave Sofia, I promised not to bother Eva and Owen, I got into a fight with one of my bestie because of that and I rejected my best friend for a dump boy who hasn't even ask me out but kissed me, twice," she looked into my eyes. "Make it thrice," I said as I leaned into and kissed her.

"God, you're becoming like one of the boys in Empire," she stated after the kiss. "Nope, I am me," I said and she was curious. "Jessie Maxwell, will you be my girlfriend?" I asked and her eyes widen. "Yet, you are full of surprises," she slightly shaking her head. "You haven't answer my question, yet," I reminded. "I mean what kind of guy ask a girl out like this? After getting kissed from his friend?" she glared. "You're jealous?" I asked in confused. "Are you nut?" she retorted. She is definitely, jealous.

"Than tell me how I should ask you out when the other guy have already asked you out tonight?" I retorted. "I'm sorry I couldn't make it fancier than him," I added. "I like it this way," she mumbled. "What?" I asked in confusion. "I said I like it this way, you and me, sitting in the park where no one is here," she added. "Does that mean you're my girlfriend now?" I asked again. "Do I really have to spell it out for you?" she glared. "I know what that means, I was just messing with you," I smirked before I lean in to kiss her, again.

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