29.Secrets cannot be told

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Jess pov

"What do you want, Jessie?", Haile glared at me as she sat across the sofa. "We both know Scott wasn't the only one who cheated," I stated. "Why do you want people to believe that my brother was the only bad guy?", I continued. "You knew I didn't steal Malia's necklace. Yet, you didn't say a word", she replied. "It's the problem between you and the twins. You shouldn't have crossed them in the first place," I said. "The only problem was that Justin kissed me first! I didn't have a choice!" Haile exclaimed. "You should be more careful. Justin was dating Amy that time," I remarked. "And you all made me expelled from school only because I kissed him!", Haile said, her voice was filled with sorrow and anger. "I get it! You want revenge and you did this. But you can't only protect your friend and ruin my brother's reputation", I explained. "We all know Scott wasn't that obedient kid either", she smirked. My blood boiled with anger but I kept myself calm. "My brother wasn't a good guy but so is Sofia," I said. "And I'm gonna protect his reputation even he is gone," I glared at her before I walked to my car.

"Jessie Maxwell! Your brother was a jerk! That's why he didn't even get a chance to see his son!" Haile yelled as she tackled me down and pulled my hair. "You bitch!" I yelled as I fought her back." You don't even know what Sofia had been going through! She chose to have him even Scott was gone! I'm sure he'd force her to kill Liam if he was alive!" She snapped but my body was tensed. Scott has a son? My brother has a son? "Is that true?" I murmured. "Yes. His name is Liam," Haile sighed. "Poor, Sofia. Please stop hurting her, I'm begging you," she sobbed. I ignored her and got inside my car. My hands were shaking and I couldn't shake the thought of Sofia having Scott's son and she kept him away from us. He's the last piece of Scott. And my poor brother didn't even know he has a son.

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