36.Broken little bitch

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Jess pov

I was running from the truth. My brother killed himself to escape from all of this. No. That's not true. Scott isn't a coward. He would never do that. "Jess!" Shawn's voice rang my head as I noticed the car's light heading toward me. I closed my eyes and all I heard was the loud horn honking at me.

The moment stopped. I heard people chatter as I slowly opened my eyes back. A truck was in front of me, only inches away from me. "Jess!" Shawn ran to me and took me into his arms. "What were you thinking! You could've yourself killed!" he scolded as his grip became tighter. "I, I didn't see it was coming," I shrugged as we broke the hug. I was shaking. All I saw was Shawn's worried eyes before everything went blank.

Everything is bright. I was in the orphanage. NO. Not here. I ran around the place for escape but I found none. I don't like this place and I'm stuck here. "Can somebody here me? Hello!" I shouted. No one responded. "Jess?" a heard a voice. Scott's voice. I turned around and saw my big brother in his usual outfit. The lacrosse jacket and ripped jeans. I immediately ran and hug him. "Hey, little sis," he smiled. "I've missed you. People are lying about you. Tell me, it's not true," I sobbed. "I wish it wasn't true. But I gave up life," he sighed. "Jess, it was no one's fault. Not mom. Not dad and especially not Sofia's," he continued. "I don't care! I just want you back!" I yelled. "Jess, I love you. But I need you to let me go," he stated. "You have many things ahead of you and you shouldn't waste it by blaming anyone for my death," Scott continued. "I love you little sis," he finally spoke as he disappeared in front of me. I could do nothing but cried as the darkness swallowed me.

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