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Shawn pov

After class, I've got some friends.Brad Huston,Max Cooper and Dylan Foster. Brad took me to the principal office while Max and Dylan headed to another class. "My mom is the principal but now, she's in Europe and I think Mrs.Willows is taking her place for a moment,"Brad informed. When we arrived the office, I saw that girl, Jessie. "Halen,there's a new guy here,"she smirked. "Just shut your little mouth and wait for your mom,Miss.Williams,"a woman who looked about 50 scolded her.She must be Mrs.Willows. "Oh hello, you must be Mr.Anderson,"she smiled and I nodded. "Bye.Shawn,see ya later,"Brad told me and headed to the hall.

"I've seen your records, straight A and a credit for Brooklyn University,"she remarked as she sat on her chair. "But, what about lacrosse? Will you play here again?"she asked and I tensed.Suddenly,Matt was on my mind.I was about to answer, but she got up and closed the door.I guessed Jessie was listening to our conversation. "That girl is a really headache,"Mrs.Willows shook her head. "About what I said, what will you do with lacrosse? We need a good player for coming season and I want you to consider about it,"Mrs.Willows said. "I'll think about it,"I said. "Okay, if you want to play, you can come to the tryout tomorrow.But we will judge your skills,"she said.I nodded and left the office.

I went outside of the office as I finished talking with Mrs.Willows.I saw Jessie but she was sleeping while leaning against the chair.She seems peaceful when she is asleep. Her wavy hair falls onto her face.Then, she suddenly opened her eyes.I tried to pretended that I didn't look at her.She was embarrassed but she quickly scoffed me."Hey, hero!"she smirked. "Why do you keep calling me like this?"I asked in annoyance. "Nothing.Just want to call you like this.Honesty, it's great to be hero.Isn't it?"she smirked. "My bad,"I rolled my eyes and walked outside. "You can't run away from me like this,hero!"she shouted.I ignored her and walked to my bike.

"Hey Shawn,"someone called my name.I looked and saw Sofia. "Hey,"I smiled at her.Sofia and I became friends after I helped them this morning. "Are you going home?"she asked and I nodded. "What about you?"I asked. "I have to wait my dad.And thanks for today.Bye.See you tomorrow,"she smiled and walked away.And I rode my bike home.

At dinner, everyone was telling their first day in new town expect me. "So, what about you,Shawn?Don't you have anything to say?" my dad asked as he drinks his water. "Nothing's special.Just usual,"I lied as I took a bite of the beef.My mom is a great cook and she can cook anything.The beef melted in my mouth before I chewed it.It was so soft. "Well, I've got two friends named Chloe and Jake,"Betty said in excitement. "Good for you honey,"mom said.I just smiled at her. "Oh I almost forgot, how's the meeting with the principal? Will they give you scholarship?"my mom asked with her eyes filled with hope. "Yeah, I want t know that,too,"dad joined. "She told me to come to the tryout tomorrow,"I answered. "What about you? Are you going?"dad asked in a serious tone.My dad is a man who always knows how to make people happy or crack jokes, but if he's being serious, you better not mess with him. "Yes, I am,"I answered and got a satisfaction look from him.

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