2.The new town

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"Hey Bud, are you ready?",my dad asked me as we have packed our things. "I think so",I smiled. "Don't worry, Shawn, you're gonna fine." my mom patted my shoulder.Then we headed to Canada International Airport.My feet were heavy as I walked to the entrance.I've lived in Canada my whole life and to be honest, I didn't want to move.My dad's job has transferred to Beacon Hill, so, the whole family have to move along with him.

I took a seat near the window when we reached the plane, so that I could see my hometown for the last time on above and recall the memories I've made.I'm gonna miss my friends, the place where I used to go when I feel lonely, the tree where I used to climb and strum my guitar at night and of course, the drive-in where I hang out with my friends.Mom said it was good for all of us, but I know it was mostly for the problems I've made.I had messed things up here.

The ride to Beacon Hill was long but after a few hours, we were there.One of dad's assistant left the car at airport and dad drove us to our new home.Unlike Canada, Beacon Hill was just a small town but it is more beautiful.The green trees lining along the roads under the blue sky and the town was quite."Guys,we're here."dad reminded as he stopped the car in front of a big blue Morden two stories house.His boss must be very rich to give his employee like this house.

"Wow, it's very beautiful,"Betty mumbled. "How do you feel now?"mom asked. "It's good,"I replied. "I'm sure you'll enjoy your school too," mom smiled. "i hope so,"I replied then helped her taking out our things from the car.Beacon Hill, finally I was here. "Hey, aren't you get inside?"Betty shouted from the house.I just walked into the house.After we've settled down our households and things, we had our dinner.

My wonderful family constitutes my dad, Michael Anderson, the computer technician of Arrows Electronic Corporation.Dad is about 47 and he plays the main role in our family.His hair is originally black which he inherited from our grandma who is half-Japanese and he is about 6 feet tall.My mom, Kate Anderson, is a pretty woman of her age, her hair is brunette and she'd never compliant about her heigh which is only 5 feet and 3 inches.She was perfect.And my little sister, Betty is a 9 years old mini version of my mom.On the other hand, I am also a carbon copy of my dad.My hair is originally black and I am almost 6 feet tall even though I am only 18.

I stayed inside my room, arranging my things.I hanged the picture of me and my friends on my bedroom wall and stared at the picture.It was taken when we were 13, i guessed.Samuel was sitting on the right, Daniel was beside him, then me and Matt was on the left, holding the lacrosse sticks.We were all grinning and it was our first time playing Lacrosse.Since then lacrosse became my life until the day I almost killed Matt.

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