22.All about Scott

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Shawn and me, in my room, alone. Just kidding, Shawn was here to help me in Chemistry. "And this is laboratory preparation of chlorine,"he explained. But I found myself staring at him. He kept explaining me which I started to find boring. Then, I feel sleepy. "Jess!"the voice of Shawn brought me back to reality. "Yeah Mr.Boring?"I blurted out.He looked at me with a confused look. "I mean nothing. Don't mind,"I smiled back he just shook his head. "Focus Jess,"was the only thing he said.After we did the homework,"Hey Shawn, wanna go skating?"I asked. "I'm not really good at skate,"he muttered. "It's okay.I'll teach you.c'mon,"I dragged him and my skateboard to the park.At the park, there were not many people. "Watch me,"I told him as I started riding my skate. I felt like I was flying when I rode the skate.Shawn followed me with the skateboard he has borrowed from the skate shop in the park.I did a double backflip and he did the same thing.We had a great time.

Then, we sat down near the stunts. I stared at the whole place. I could see Scott doing his stunts in my imaginary vision. "Hey, why are you so quite lately?"Shawn interrupted me. "Nothing just someone got on my mind,"I sighed. "Who? Your ex-boyfriend?"he asked in a serious tone.For a second, I wanted to laugh at his comment.The one and only Shawn Anderson thought I was missing my ex-boyfriend who I don't even remember his name.I used to date a few boys back then but Scott's death changed me into another person. "No, it's Scott,"I smiled. "Your brother?"he asked and I nodded. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't ask such question,"he mumbled in an apology tone. "How well do you know about him?"I asked. "That he was in a car crash and you think it was Sofia's fault,"he answered. "And you think I'm wrong, the way I treat Sofia?"I questioned sounding not to be too sensitive. "No, I don't. But it wasn't her fault at all,"he shrugged. "Because Scott was my only hope,"I said and he stared at me with a confused look. "There was a time when I wanted to let everything go, but he was the one who got my back. After my parents divorced, mom had to struggle.Her parents weren't happy when she married my dad and they ignored us for a long time.Even after mom divorced, they'd only call her twice in a year,"I stated at how cruel my grand parents were. "Times became hard, the three of us were sent to orphanage while mom was saving money,"I said and he was surprised. "But Scott protected me.He made me smiled, laughed and even got me some friends,"I smiled remembering Scott would put a wig and dance like an old lady to make me smile when I was sick.He would took me to some kids we met at the church and introduced me to them.Because I was so shy and I'd always hide behind Gwen.

"But he changed when he met Sofia.He wasn't that happy anymore.They always fought.Sofia would cheat him again and again but he always found his way to forgive her,"I sighed. "Are you sure? Sofia doesn't seem to be liked that,"he claimed. "It's because she knew her faults and changed them.When Scott was gone, she was changed too.But in a good way,"I said. "And you still hate her even you know she was changed?"he questioned. "Yes.They fought the day before Scott's dead.She was hiding from him.I told Scott not to follow her but he didn't listen to me,"I stated. "When he found her, they made a really big fight and Sofia slapped him.Then he stormed out and drove away.I've never thought it was the last time I'd see my brother,"I continued as tears made way into my eyes but I tried to hold them back.Suddenly, Shawn's arms reached out to me and embraced into him.But he said nothing, just holding me still and I decided to say nothing.

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