13.The skating park

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Jess pov

I was at the cheerleading practice.It was a break time and I sat down on the floor, drinking my apple juice.My eyes went to the door.Some girls were whispering each others while looking at the door.They looked really interesting.Dylan and Cameron came in.No wonder, those girls were busying looking at Beacon Hill's own heartthrobs.Both Dylan and Cameron were good-looking.Cameron has a face that everyone falls in love while Dylan got a perfect body with flawless face that matches his blonde hair.They were walking to me."Hey Jess,wanna go skating this evening?"Dylan asked as he sat beside me. "Yeah sure,"I replied. "I wanna join too,"Malia came. "Sure,babe,you can always join us,"Cameron put his arm around at her shoulder. "Well, see you guys this evening,"Dylan gave me his sweet smile and left with Cameron.

After school, we went skating.Amy.Kira,Max and Brad also joined us.The skating field was not as crowded as it does.Only a few were skating.This place had been my favorite for years.Every evening, I'd come with Scott and watched him and his friends skating.They'd do the stunts and I was impressed.When I was 10, Scott taught me how to ride a skate.But he'd never let me do the stunt as an overprotective brother he was.And of course, I did the stunts when he wasn't near and he didn't seem to notice at all.We were regular here.But,after his death, I barely come here.Because everything here was reminding me of him.This park became more private since Cameron's parents bought it last year.And it was all his.He ruled everything.But he knows how this place is important to me and he takes care of it.

I was cleaning my skate board when I saw Shawn,Sofia,Owen and Eva walking around the park. But I wasn't the only one who saw them."Hey Max,does he usually hang out with them?"Brad pointing toward them. "I don't think so,"Max shrugged. "Catch me if u can,"Dylan whispered to me and then he started skating. "You little monster,"I glared at him and chased him.The rest followed us.We reached to the stunt path, he did a backside 180 kick flip and landed safely.I followed him and did a hard flip.But I accidentally slipped and bumped into someone.We both fell down.My forehead was touching his and my knees were banging his.Then I realized that I was on top of Shawn.Our faces were very closed.My eyes met his blue eyes which made me nervous.We were tensed until Brad's voice brought us back to reality. 

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