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The day has finally come. Our graduation day. Amy gave amazing graduation speech. Mrs.Grundy cried during the ceremony saying she's gonna miss her student which we know wasn't true as she's got divorce yesterday.

"Jess, come lets take a family photo," dad's voice brought me back to reality. My dad finally came to my graduation as he promised. That's the first promise he kept and I'm kind of proud of him. "I will take the picture, sir," Shawn said and dad nodded. Dad didn't like me dating Shawn who is the son of his employee, but he is slowly warming up to him, I guess. I stood in the middle, while mom and dad stood on the sides. Gwen stood beside mom. "Okay, one, two and cheese," Shawn announced as he took several photos.

"Wait, this is not a family photo unless little Liam is here!" dad stated as he walked to Sofia who was holding Liam. Later, they both walked to us. "Thank you for joining us for the photo," mom smiled at Sofia. Sofia stood next to me, with Liam in her arms. "I wanna go to Auntie Jessie!" Liam exclaimed as soon as he saw me. Sofia handed him to me. I'm glad this boy loves me as much as Scott did.

We have gone so far. Sofia decided to tell Liam about her and Scott. Liam now calls him mom and of course, he calls me Auntie Jessie. Sofia and I beginning to get in good terms and so is our families. She made me Liam's god mother and I am helping her in raising Liam. I tell him about how good his father was every time we meet.

After that, Gwen took a photo of Shawn and me. "Ahh, young love," she muttered. "God, you're so embarrassing," I glared at her, she stick her tongue out of me in return. Then I took photos of Shawn and his family. His family loves me, especially Betty. Soon after we went to join our friends.

"Girl, you definitely nailed the graduation speech," Kira praised Amy who was beaming with a smile. "She has been working on that speech for two months," Malia make an eye roll. "I'm hard pass on speech," Eva added. Yeah, my girls started hanging out with every students in school including Eva, Owen and Sofia. What can I say, I'm proud of them.

After the lacrosse championship party, I've talked Cameron and the rest of the Empire members about how bad being an Empire member and we shouldn't take advantage of other students. Shawn and I had to try really hard to get those guys into their senses. After a few months of talking Empire closed for good, they finally accept it. There was no Empire anymore. There were no special students anymore. There was just us, normal high school students of Beacon Hill High.

"Wait, why are you still here? You should be getting ready for the weekend getaway!" Owen freaked out. "Yeah, hurry up, chop! chop!" Max echoed.We were going to Cameron's beach house where his parents happily permitted for us to spend the weekend as a graduation present. We really had one hell of a graduation today.

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