Chapter 1: Back again

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"Wow, isn't cool how we are all in the same class again this year?" Haruhi asked me.

"Yeah, I know right!" I hugged her slightly.

"Yeah it is kind of weird if you think about it." Koaru added.

"Umm, hey Haruhi?" I whispered over her shoulder. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." She nodded.

"Why are you a man?"

"What?" She let out a quick giggle. I did word that a little odd.

"Well, last year's fair... I mean" I tried to explain myself.

"Oh that, no on saw an well-" she began.

"You LIKE being in the Host Club, don't you!?" I squealed.

"I guess." She shrugged being stubborn as always.


We finally made it to the club. Empty.

"Yo, where's all the people?" I stared at Kyoya.

"Daddy is upset." He roles his eyes, pointing to the corner I the room. Tamaki sat curled up.

"Hey Boss, what's the deal?" The twins bounced over to him.

"Honey... Mori..." Is all we could actually understand.

"I miss them too Tamaki, but just because they are gone doesn't mean we can't still have the club." I patted his head.

"That's not it!" Tamaki sniffled.

"Harsh..." Hikaru sneered.

"No, who are we going to get to replace them!?!" He rose shouting to the ceiling.

"We could hold auditions? I mean it's not that hard to get a shy guy and some cute kid..." I reminded them.

"You say that like they were nothing!!" Tamaki grabbed my shoulders.

"Well jee, sorry for trying to help." I huffed sarcastically.

"She does have a point." Hikaru joined in.

"We could hold auditions for other people.." Koaru agreed.

"It's settled then! Tomorrow we shall hold auditions for new members! Lets get to it!" Tamaki yelled proudly.


"You're putting too much glue on it." I laughed.

"What? No way, how else is it going to stick." Hikaru layed on more glue.

"I think that's enough! Oh my god!" I looked at the glue covered paper.

"Ok ok, now for the stickers." Tamaki jumped in.

"Why do we need stickers? Are those turtles!? Why are we putting turtle stickers on a auditions board!?!?" I looked at him laughing.

"Duh, because we need cute people and shy people." Kaoru stated smugly.

"Because turtles are cute and they hide in their shells?" I asked.

"Yeah sure..." Kaoru had no answer really.

"There it's done!" Tamaki held up our 'masterpiece'.

"It looks like shit..." I pointed out.

"It does not!" Tamaki pouted.

"Ok well if we are hanging that near the cafeteria, I'm hanging mine near the main office." I took mine.

"When did you make that?" Haruhi asked.

"When blondie here was putting glitter on the poster. You guys are just a bunch of girls, you know that?" I shook my head.

"I'll come with you." Haruhi joined in.

"I can't wait for tomorrow!"

~the very next day~

"Ughhh! Class was soooo boring!!" I wined as I made my way down the hallway.

"It wasn't too bad." Haruhi shrugged.

"Did Hikaru and Kaoru already head to the club?" I looked behind us.

"Guess so, they must be excited for the new members. Are you?" Haruhi looked over to me.

I bit my bottom lip. "I guess, I just don't want them to be weird or... I don't know, like Tamaki."

Haruhi let out a small giggle and we finally came to the host club doors.

"I don't hear anything.." I pointed out.

Haruhi nodded. "Me either?"

We opened the door and a bunch of sexually attractive men were just.... There. I felt my jaw drop.

"How come I have never seen these guys before!?" I tried not to sound too excited. Didn't work.

"Well they maybe a year older than us, or even younger. Plus this is a big school, after all." Haruhi said unfazed.

"Oh goodie you two just made it! We need you!" Tamaki brought us over to a sofa.

"What for?" Haruhi sat down next to me.

Tamaki smiled. "You see, a Host Club member's job is to entertain women. So we need you two to be women."

I don't know if I'm suppose to be offended of... Offended.

"Ok, First up!" Tamaki brought over two boys from the group of about a dozen men.

"Hey." I smiled to the boy. "What's your na-"

He sat down.

"You're..." I was at a loss of words.

"Financier Tonnerre, I'm sorry I never gave my name befor." He took my hand.

"That's ok." I blushed.

I didn't get a good look at his face last time but boy was he handsome. Long light brown hair that barely allowed you to see his emerald colored eyes. Much different from his sister's. Cute bushy eyebrows and a long face. Right above his left eye there was a small pink scar, if his hair was in the way, you would have never noticed.

"And who might you be, Blondie?" He grinned.

"Ummm... I'm.." What's my name!? I sound like Rihanna!! "Tess, Tess Valentine." Great, now I sound like James Bond.

"Cute name, I've heard a lot about the Valentines. Especially their eyes." He winked.

I could feel my heart beating so fast and my internal screaming was very high pitched. It was getting hard to breath.

"Y-yeah?" I asked.

"They say they are a light blue, like yours. I like them." He said, never taking that grin off of his perfect face.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Yours are nice too!"

Financier nodded. "I'm surprised someone like you works here." He looked around the very pinkish room.

"I don't do much, just bake and distribute tea to the customers. That's all." I told him.

"So you're not a host?" He asked surprised.

"Nope." I popped the 'p'.

"Time's up! Group two!" Tamaki interrupted.

"Well I'll see you around then?" I waved.

"Hope so." He smirked.

Financier Tonnerre, you will be the death of me...


Ok ok ok! Fan-girl screaming!!! I'm so happy that I have added in this new boy, excuse me, this sex god! Holy cow I'm just dying for some romance in here. I know you are too. I bet everyone is fan-girling... All except Hikaru.... I wonder how he feels >:3 mwahhahahahhahahah!!! Thank you for the reads and comments and votes, be sure to leave a comment if you can! Love you, bieee!!!

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