Chapter 49: Playing With Fire

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So there I was: confused and shocked just like the people around me. None of this story would make seance to you at the moment so I shall regale you on my previous experience.

As you know, Hikaru and I were in his room in the minced of unwelcoming silence. The breaker of that silence was my phone going off from a text message.

Haruhi had sent me: 'Come to Ouran, quick. Help!'

Commonly, I had called her up only to have the phone go to voicemail. The two of us sprung into action and headed off to our school. Not knowing what we had gotten ourselves into.

Now we all know the horrible times I had been having. How my anxiety was being pushed to its limits, above and beyond what a high school girl should be dealing with.

None the less, the both if us landed in an empty parking lot and no means of location where we should head to next. Checking the doors with no avail and all the lights being off, we scavenged around the building in hopes of some clues.

"Do you think she is ok?!" Hikaru asked me.

I pushed through bushes and trees, practically being clawed at by vines and branches.

"I hope so. She's not answering any of my texts or calls. I tried Tamaki and the rest. They must all be in be or something." I huffed while marking through leaves and twigs.

"Ow, shit." A thorn bush rubbed against my paper thin pajamas.

Hikaru stopped me. "You ok?"

"I'm fine." I spat menacingly.

By now it was 11 at night, and I'm surprised the driver even let us out. The twins parents were not around and by now Kaoru was in bed, probably.

The only help through this forest of trees was from my phone and exposed arm. Hikaru was as helpful as a wet rag, and with no trace or hint to be found I was loosing hope and getting scared.

I swallowed my fear for both Haruhi and the dark I pushed through the bushes. Finally reaching open land.

"Oh. My. God..." I panted wiping my forehead with the back of my hand. I took in my surroundings for what I could see, and damn was this the worst time to forget my glasses.

"I can't see anything. Can you?" I breathed to Hikaru.

In the dark I could see his configured face. "I thought blue eyes were good in the dark."

"Ok well, does anything look familiar? What part of the school are we near?"

I couldn't tell you if we were in the front, back, left or right. It wouldn't have surprised me if we made a giant circle. Better yet made it to a complete different side of town.

Hikaru squinted his eyes in the dark. "Ugh... I think... I think we are actually in the garden."

"The garden?" I was still out of breath. I need to work out

The recurring scene made my hair stand in end. I could feel my muscles tighten and my heart stop a second. Nor Haruhi or the two of us were in comfortable positions.

"We need to find her. Haruhi!!" I yelled into the blackness. It defiantly wasn't the best idea. But it was the only one I had.

Calling out her name so I could hear her was my safest plan. If I couldn't see her, I could hear her. Moments passed and nothing was said but a coo from night birds and the breath of the wind.

It was getting chilly under my clothes and the idea of being sticky from the strawberries sounded more pleasant. At least I would have been warm.

"Haruhi!!!" Hikaru called out. No luck.

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