Chapter 4: Back to the beach

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"Ahh the sweet smell of the ocean." I sighed at the view of the ocean.

"Smells like salt." Koaru got out of the car.

"Tess-chan!" Honey's voice called out.

I turned around and spotted another black limo pulling up in the drive way. "Honey?"

"Tess-chan! I've missed you!" The little blonde boy jumped out of the car as soon it went into park.

"Honey!!" I held out my arms waiting for his little arms to embrace me. "I've missed you too!" I clung to him.

"Takashi is here too." Honey told.

"Teddy!" I let go of Honey, and ran over to Teddy.

"Tess." He smiled.

"How are my two boys?! How's college and such?" I walked them to the beach mansion.

"It's fun, it's a lot of work though." Honey pouted.

"I bet you get good grades." I nodded.

"Well, Takashi had to help me with some math, but other than that it's really fun!" He bounced.

"And you,Teddy?"

"Fine." Mori nodded.

"Haru-chan!" Honey ran over to Haruhi as we entered the living room.

"I didn't know you guys were coming!" Haruhi hugged the little boy.

"I asked them to join us." Kyoya said.

"This is so cool! The gangs back together!" I leaped into the air.

"Don't forget, Financier is coming as well." Kyoya added.

Oh my god... Like Financier... In a bathing suit. Oh god!


"Teehee, isn't he so hot!" A girl squeaked.

"I know right! Look at his abs."

Yes, I think we all can agree that Financier looks like a sex god, but I stopped fan-girling about 2 hours ago. You need to stop!

"Does he work out?"

And with that comment I just got up...and walked away.

"Tess-chan! I got a crab! Rawr!" Honey ran up to me with a crab in his hands.

"Oh no! It's going to eat me!" I yelled sarcastically.

"Are you going to swim?" Teddy joined us.

"Maybe, I'm not really hot.." I shrugged.

"Can you swim with me!?" He bounced.

I paused. "But-"

"Please, I don't like to swim alone."

"What about Teddy?" I asked.


I tugged at my dress. "Fine.." I groaned.


I grabbed the ends of my dress and pulled it off over my head. I took a breath of air and scoped out the beach.

"Looking for us?" The twins scared the living shit out of me.

"Gah! I'm-um... No!" Way to make it obvious.

"You look cute, Tess-chan." I was afraid he would say that.

"You do." Hikaru nodded.

"T-thanks." I could feel myself blush.

"Come on!" Honey pulled me in the water.

"It's cold!" I squeaked.

"Daddy wants to come too!" Tamaki came in the water too, splashing me.

"Hey!" I splashed him back.

The twins joined in and began to splash me.

"No fair! Now I'm soaked!" I swam away from them. "Teddy save me!"

The next thing I know, Teddy has me over his shoulders.

"Hikaru get on my shoulders." Tamaki demanded.

"What?" Hikaru looked at him.

"Whoa! We playing chicken?" I smiled.

Tamaki nodded. "I believe that's the commoners name for the game."

"Bring it on!" I raised my hands up.

"Uhh, I don't know." Hikaru shrugged.

"You nervous that you're going to get beat up by a girl? Is someone scared?" I smirked mocking him.

Hikaru began to climb Tamaki's shoulders. "Oh it's on now."

"Bring it!" I got my hands ready.

Hikaru got on Tamaki's shoulders. "It has been brung." We clasped our hands together.

"Ready?" I grinned ear to ear.

"Ready." He nodded. "On the count of three."

"One.... Two..." We counted. "Three!"

I pushed my hands forward, and so did Hikaru. He was pretty strong but I got the upper hand.

"God.." I grunted.

"Getting tired?" Hikaru smirked.

"No." I smirked back.

We went at it for another 20 seconds until I could feel my arms slipping. I heard Tamaki huff, he wasn't a big lifter I guess. Finally, Tamaki gave in and fell pulling Hikaru and I into the water.

"Are you ok!?" I pulled Hikaru an myself up for air.

"Yeah, I think so." He coughed. "You?" His golden eyes sparkled.

"Yeah, I'm fine." I tucked some hair out of my face.

"Wanna go for a walk?" Hikaru walked over to the shore.

I nodded. "Sur-"

"Daddy wants to come too!" Tamaki interrupted.

"I do too!" Honey climbed over onto Teddy's shoulders.

"Me too." Kaoru joined in.

"I could go for a walk." Kyoya stated.

"Us too!" Haruhi and some other girls came over, pulling Financier along with them. I got out I the water and pulled a towel around me.

"Where should we go?" Kaoru asked.

"Well guys, it's actually getting late. I think we should just all go back to Kyoya's house." I looked up to see the sun setting.

"Can we all at least go for a little walk?" Honey asked me.

"Sure, lets just leave our stuff here then."


"It's almost 6, guys. Don't you think we should head back?" Haruhi looked at her watch.

"I'm so hungry." Honey mumbled.

"I'm so c-cold.." I had my arms rapped around me and my teeth were chattering. I left for the walk without even thinking of putting on my dress or wearing a towel.

"Here." Financier handed over a towel.

"T-thanks." I could see my breath. I Reyes to cover up as much of my body as I could, but the towel was really small. After fiddling with the towel some more I eventually gave up and handed it back to Financier.

Once I gave the towel back I felt a warm arm rap around my waist. My side tingled from the heat of the hand. I looked over to see Hikaru holding on to me.

"You don't have to-" He shushed me.

"I'm cold, too. You are really warm. How are you cold?" Hikaru looked at me.

"My friends ask that all the time. I'm always warm, even in the cold. But, even though my skin I warm, doesn't mean I am." I snuggled closer. He was cold, but his hands weren't.

"Where are we?" On I the girls asked.

"Yeah Tamaki, were are we even going?" Kaoru spoke up.

"I don't know we turned around over 10 minutes ago, Kyoya?" Tamaki turned to Kyoya.

"I left my phone with all our things back at the beach." Kyoya sighed.

I kept my eyes staring at the sky, I kept looking around with no avail. I finally saw the giant bright North Star, to my left.

"How much longer!" Another client wined.

"Are we even going the right way?" Haruhi asked.

I glanced around spotting the same heart shaped rock in the sand from over half an hour ago. Also looking down I saw feet tracks going the opposite way we were heading, and then back.

"We have been heading in circles for over an hour, there must have been a turn we missed." I pointed out.

"But we turned around over 10 minutes ago." Financier added.

"Yes, but our tracks state that we have gone this way before. Also, I just saw the same rock again. And since the North Star is too our left and the house is to the west, we are going the wrong way." I heard the group grunt.

"Then were do we go now?" Hikaru asked.

"Back around."

I really wasn't in the mood for walking, or for being stranded on the beach. This would be a blast...

Sorry I ended it kind of at a weird spot, it's just I have to go to bed soon. Also, I start school tomorrow so that means I will not have as much time to write these story's. so I wanted to give you guys the heads up. I might try and update them at least once every Friday or something like that, but this weekend I have to go to a party with no Internet, so I can't update again this week. I just want to end the night with a thank you, and please comment what you like. Thank you and bieeeeee!!

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