Chapter 51: Punch Out

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"We need help.." I instructed the driver.

"Are you sure?"

"Can't you call 911 or something..."

"Umm...." The man looked at me in confusion.

I slapped my face. They don't use 911 in Japan, was I a moron!?

I removed my palm from my forehead. "The police!?"

His bland face made my knuckles curl. Was he dense? Or could he not understand my scared state? Hikaru was in trouble!?!

"Are you sure you want them to get involved in the situation?" He deadpanned.

"Are you for real?!" Was this driver mental? Did he not realize who was in danger here!? "I'll do it myself!" I stormed off.

No matter how hurt I was physically and mentally I had to keep going... For Hikaru.

When I came back to those same trees I took a moment to let it sink in. What if he wasn't in there? What if those people got him?

But what if they left?

My mind cleared as I breathed I'm the trees, pushing through the leaves once again. How many times had I done this already? The cuts and bruises on my arms told me too many.

Finally getting through the dark path I made it to an even darker dead end. The gardens seemed different. Less eerie, but defiantly still active.

"Hikaru?" My throat even harsher than before, from all that yelling I did to that horrid of a bus driver.

"Hikaru come on!" I yelled through the field, pacing around ever leaf to find him.

"Where is he!? This isn't funny! Let him go!" I demanded.

"Oh, she's back..." I small laugh lingered to my right.

I smiled, gotcha. While the two laughed I tiptoed over to the voice slowly.

The other soon chimed in. "She's looking for her boyfriend..." That one growled.

I rolled my eyes still slowly making my way over to one of them.

"She's really persistent this one. I'm surprised she came back." The two laughed together at their heinousness comments.

I didn't want to give away how close I was to one of them. I wanted them to keep talking.

"Why, she's just going to go cry to everyone when they break up again." One spat as I creeped up behind them.

"She's such a girl. She brings her drama everywhere. Serves her right to stay out in the cold."

My blood was boiling. Excuse me!? Ok yeah I did bring my drama places but.... Ok there really is no butts. And I do cry, a lot. But what these people don't realize is they are just making it worse. These 'X' people are just making my life a living hell!!!

"Say that to my face, Dick." I threw myself on top of a body. Pinning them down until I had control.

Curves... Chest... Hair...!? Girl!?

My eyes squinted at the figure in front of me. Even in the dark I could pick out the bright red hair. Wait!?

"It's fucking you?" My eyes narrowed. Oh how badly I wanted to claw her face right off.

"Where is he?" I sneered. My raspy voice making it appear more sinister.

"Get the hell off me, bitch."

I pulled my hips off her and tugged on her neckline. I smashed her body against the wall of the school. Lifting her feet off the ground with both hands. I'm pretty sure I was chocking her as well.

"I asked you a question." My lip quivered at the sight if her.

"I ... I just..." I could see her eyes brim with tears. My grip tightened and I pulled her up higher.

A body moved behind me. Before they could touch me I swung around with the girl in my hands and bashed the two together.

I wrapped my hand around their locks of hair and pushed their heads to the ground. I wasn't messing around now.

"I'm sorry I thought I asked a question. Where. Is. He?" I literally spat. I'm certain I spit out blood.

"Over... Over there.." The other girl pointed out. I couldn't make out her face but her hair was too light to make out a distinctive color. "He's tied up near the tree..."

I ripped my hands out of their waves and stormed over to the tree she directed me too. There Hikaru was, passed out. I ripped the tape off his mouth which caused him to wince and wake up.

"Tess? Is that-"

"Shut the fuck up." I hissed, ripping the knots out of his rope. After pulling all the strings of him I gripped his hand and dashed into the parking lot.

"Are you all right??" His voice was laced with complete worry.

"Just peachy..." I snarled. He was joking right?!

I pushed him over to the limo and walked a few feet away from the car.

"Where are you going?" Hikaru called out to me.

"I think I'm going to throw up..." I clutched my stomach. I wasn't going to throw up. I just ached.

"Come on ill bring you too the hospital."

I shivered. "N-no I'm good..."

"Tess...?" My vision blurred and the darkness enveloped me until I fell into his arms.

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