Chapter 32: What Life Throws at You

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"Well we're here. So what do you want?" Tamkai sat down. His ego was bursting through. It was aggravating. Even if your FRIEND did something wrong, wouldn't you want to hear their side first.

Not for Tamaki. He has always been hand fed by his parents. Never having to lift a finger in his life. Sure, the situation with his mom was as heart wrenching as my sister's but he never grew up with siblings. Maybe one of mine was dead, but I at least had one. Never learning how to share and care for others a certain way. Sure, his friends were well cared for...until they did something wrong.

And this was it. The thing I did wrong. Just like last year. When I yelled at my past friend. Of course he took the side that made sense at the time, but he never asked me for an explanation. Just acted on it and told me to apologize. Remember it was all my fault, duh?! He never did care to look past thing for what they were and see what the other person was feeling. We all had flaws, why couldn't he try to understand. At least I was TRYING to put myself into his shoes, but we had the same background... practically.

I sighed, finally bringing myself into the conversation. "Yes, I did." No matter what was going to be said this was all me. It was my story and no one had to defend me but myself.

"What ever you heard today was a lie." I deadpanned. Maybe bits and pieces were true. But the big picture was defiantly a lie.

"Was it really?" Tamaki sent daggers to me.

I muttered words under my breath. "Yes, that's why we called you over here. You, Kyoya and F-.... Where's Finn?" I asked as I looked around the room.

"Doesn't matter now, What really matters is what you did." He barked.

"Ok listen, I'm sorry I didn't tell you. I didn't think I needed to until Hikaru convinced me to. I-"

"I don't know what you were thinking stealing that women's money but you sure ass hell are no where to be near me. You will be pulled from the host club immediately and-"

"Would you just listen to me! I didn't steal my teacher's money, I took her wallet but-"

Tamaki rose, pointing a finger in my face. "If you stole her wallet then why wouldn't you take her money then?"

"I didn't steal her wallet. I-"

"You're just lucky my father caught you before you could get away with it." Tamaki spat.

I frowned profoundly. He was making me furious. "You're not even listening to me! I didn't fucking steal her money or her wallet. I FOUND it. EMPTY. Maybe if you took a second and thought about all the shit we have been through together you would realize I wouldn't do that!"

"How am I suppose to trust you Tess? Where is you're proof."

I stopped breathing for a good 30 seconds. He had to be kidding on that one. I was shocked, paralyzed in my own self pity that my own friend of many years couldn't see past the lies.

I took a deep breath, lowering my voice in a normal tone. "I guess you can't." I shrugged.

"What?" Tamkai questioned my change in attitude.

"I guess you can't trust me right. I don't have proof. What's belief without proof right?"

"What!" He was getting as angry as I was moments ago.

"You know when Hikaru said that my last hope was getting you guys to figure out who was setting me up, I BELIEVED him. I honestly though you would come over here and listen to my story. Not just choke down the story your simple minded father told you. Your family is just full of bratty teenage girls. You're father is a role model, an adult. Has he never heard of confidentiality? Sure, after I get expelled I see why he would tell you after the fact. Like 'oh why did that none important girl just get kicked out?' But no, he just had to make my life a living hell for the next two days. If that." I could feel my face drenched in tears.

I sucked in more air and continued. "You know, I though I actually had a chance of staying in that school of yours'. Like you would save the day for me, and tell your father it was a big misunderstanding. I was wrong, so wrong. I'm sorry, sorry for trusting you. I'm sure he told you all the other things in my life that you don't know."

Tamaki stiffened.

"Like how I would cry for days after my sister died. How I wouldn't eat or sleep and sometimes I wished I would stop breathing. How I cut myself, thinking I would get some relief from it. How when I first got into a advanced math class I would skip just so I wouldn't be faced with questions I didn't know. How when I cut class so I wouldn't have to take my final for Spanish class because I knew I would fail if I did. How when my grandfather died I had the place that reminded me of my dead fucking sister. How everyday I would be living in the house that once used to give me joy. Thinking I could over come the memories it brought me ever second of every hour I spent in it. How finding out you were depressed for so long and haveing to go to place after place for help when no one else was around. Do you know what it's like after all that to no get just one person to believe you. For something you didn't even do?! And look, after all I went through, I'm leaving. I have to get up everyday knowing everyone at this school will never see me again."

Whipping the tears that continued to seep into the hard wood below me, I walked over to the door with my things.

"So yes, it's all my fault. It's my fault for having someone hate me so much they had to go as far as framing me to get me out of this school. I'm sorry for ever interfering with you life Tamaki. Don't worry, it won't happen again."

I opened the door looking back at them one last time.

"It was fun you guys..."

It really was. Before any of this happened my life was great at Ouran. I made new friends, got a boyfriend, joined a club, had a heartbreak, a make out session, and a bunch of other things dashed in there. Maybe I was wrong, maybe life outside of Ouran wasn't so bad. I managed before.

But why did I feel so empty and sad. Like nothing would ever be as great a the feelings I had within that school. How waking up would never be filled with cherry blossoms, and k-pop music, and fairs.

But we all move on, we can't look back, we have to keep moving forward. I just couldn't help myself at looking back at this point. That same gigantic house would always be filled with so many lustful memories.

Maybe I should have taken the worlds advice when they said high school is a lot different from what you imagined. Wether you think it's going to be gumdrops and candy canes, or rather a fight to the death in a living hell. I guess it was both. It was hard, yes, but it was worth it.

Maybe Ouran could go on without me. Just like everything else could. Maybe I could do the same.

I knew I was lying to myself, because if I hadn't I wouldn't still be in the drive way. It was a lot to take in and hand out on such shirt notice. I guess it was a sign. The one part that really bugged me was no one would ever continue on with my story. It would get changed and rearranged until it was completely gotten for all it was. Somehow I had to learn to except it and face the punishments of whatever life threw at me. I just wish life wasn't such a good thrower.

You know what to do. Tell me your feels, thank you. :*( bieee...

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