Chapter 9: The Birth of the Dark King

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After a long, long, longgggg day of school, it finally came to the part I had been waiting for all afternoon. Kyoya's birthday bash. To a doubtless thought, the Host Club room was filled with guests, streamers and gifts. Murmurs from passing guests voiced the club as I walked though.

"Tess-chan!" A fluffy boy ran over with his arms open wide.

"Hey there Hun, great to see you here." I smiled wide at the cheeky boy in front of me.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world!" He flew his arms up in excitement.

I nodded slightly. "That's good."

He gave me a closed eyed nodded. "Mhumm." Honey grabbed a hold of my arm and pulled me through the crowd of guests. "There's someone I want you to meet."

We made a stop at Teddy and a sandy haired girl putting up blue and black streamers along the light fixtures.

"Takashi, Tess is here." Honey announced.

"Hiya Teddy!" I pulled him into a hug. "How's that collage treating you?"

He gave a gentle smile. "Fine." Mori stated softly.

"That's good." I paused to get a good look at the woman next to him. She was looking at me as well.

She had hair that brushed her shoulders slightly and plump peachy-colored lips. Her eyes were a solid blue. While her hair covered most of her left eye, I could still see them both. She was tall in height, but no more than 5'9.

"So you're Tess, huh?" She stepped off her foot ladder and walked up to greet me.

I held out my hand shaking her's in the process. "Yup! And you are...?"

She playfully hit Teddy's arm. "Gosh, way to introduce me to your friends." Mori smiled back rubbing the spot she hit lightly. "I'm Emi, Mori's girlfriend."

My jaw stumbled to the floor. "G-Girlfriend!?!?" I chocked out the words. "What the hell Teddy! Way to inform me on all of this!" I folded my arms.

"Sorry." Mori lifted his shoulders and shrugged.

"He's coming everyone!" A girl fell into the room in a big commotion.

The lights fell and the room grew an awaiting silence. A creak of the door sounded and the lights flickered on. We all jumped up, some even pulled party poppers.

Everyone raced to greet the birthday boy and a few select girls passed around cake slices.

"Happy Birthday, Kyoya-senpai!" Girls gushed in front of him.

I pushed my way through them, they really didn't seem to mind the least bit.

"Hey there!" I grinned ear to ear, eager to just shove his gift in his face.

"You seem more excited for my party than I am." He gave a slight giggle.

"Damn straight! Are you ready for your gift?!" I bursted.

He crossed his arms. "I guess." He grinned.

"Ready? Close your eyes now." I instructed and he followed. I gently pulled the kitten from my bag and the surrounding guests 'aw'd. I placed the ball of fur in his extended arms and his eyes flipped open once his skin hit fur.

"A-A cat?" He blinked rapidly and then took a good look at the friendly faces around himself. "Well this was unexpected."

"Do you not like it!?!" I cringed.

"I do, I was hoping to get a family pet at some point. Thank you." He patted my head.

"A kitten?!" Honey bounced over with Teddy and Emi right behind him.

"Yes, care to tell me it's name then Tess?"


"Why that?" Honey tapped the kitten's fur.

"Because in French it means 'white', but the word itself in English looks like the word 'black', I think it's as complex and deep as Kyoya can get."

Kyoya laughed. "Sure is." He brought it over to show the others while the rest of the Host members came to me.

"You got him a cat?" Financier smirked at me.

"Yeah, why you want one?" He put his elbow on my shoulder.

"Nah, but I hope when it comes time for my birthday you'll get me something just as nice and meaningful." He nudged me.

"We'll see."

Hikaru frowned and shot daggers for eyes at Financier. He just smirked and put his arm around me.

"What about me?!" Hikaru's eyes filled with hope.

"Well duh, I wouldn't forget about you. Don't worry I'll get you and your brother something different. I always hated when my-... f-friend and I would get similar gifts." I stuttered.

"I feel special now." He smirked to me.

"Of course you are." I walked up to him and hugged me. His body stiffened and then relaxed after, he finally laced his arms around me.

It wasn't a pity hug or a sympathy hug. It was an empathy hug. Regardless of what he thought the hug meant to him I completely understood every thing this poor boy had faced with his twin brother. For I had experienced it all for my own.


Ok sorry I totally rushed this all and did it in like a day.... but ahhhh. I just really wanted to get this one chapter done to finally move on. As stated before I did end up erasing this same chapter on accident.... I didn't even erase it wattpad did. THANK YOU! But regardless it came out mich better than the one I did before and I think even longer. So an actual thank you to you wattpad. ANYWAYS This little story is totally dedicated to my little friend Emily who totally helped me out a lot through out both books. She's actually mentioned briefly in the story as Teddy's girlfriend so yeah. Thank you all for being patient with the slow updates. VERY SORRY!!! And thank you again for reading and voting and leaving comments. I love reading your thoughts on my book and things you would like to see. Wow I wrote a big A/N... sorry about that. Thank you and be sure to leave a comment about your feels, BIE!!!!!!

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