Chapter 11: Wiggle room

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"Did you do the notes for English class?"


"Hey Tess." Someone tapped me on the shoulder.

"Oh hey what?" I blinked around trying to figure out what I was doing a minute ago.

"So that English class, you do the notes for homework?" Hikaru asked me.

"Oh yeah sure, sorry." I handed him my binder.

"You've been out of it all day.." He pointed out taking the seat in front of me, but turning around so he used my desk to copy the notes.

"I have?" I hadn't really noticed.

He stopped copying and gave me a face. "Really, you only were doodling in every class."

How and why would he know. "Why, were you spying on me?" I winked.

"Oh yeah, because I have nothing better to do then stare at your pretty face all day." Hikaru chuckled.

"You sure as hell didn't do the notes, so yeah. Nothing better." We both laughed together.

Hikaru continued to copy down notes as I finished a sketch of mine.

"So what were you drawing?" He asked not taking his eyes off the papers in front of him.

"Nothing really..." I pulled away my pad slowly, for him not to look.

"Is it me?" He grinned, looking up from the notes.

"Oh yeah, defiantly. You caught me red handed." I raised my hands up as if I was actually accused of such a crime.

"Don't lie." Hikaru pretended to flip his hair back. "You totally think I'm hot."

I would be lying if I said he wasn't, but I wouldn't. Plus with half the school drooling over him, if you were a girl I'm pretty sure you would be lucky enough to breath the same air as him. It wouldn't be an extreme to say the Host Club was famous. Famous for attractive men and idiots... Yes, idiots.

"Oh what's that I hear?" I cupped my ear with my hand. "Is that someone's ego I hear?"

"Oh har har, yes very funny."

Now was my turn to flip my hair. "I know."

"Could you two stop flirting! I need to finish this and you two are of no help!" Koaru pushed my hair off his desk. I didn't realize he was sitting next to me.

It seemed weird, they were separated. Not that a seat away from one another would start a world war. But they chose to sat away for each other. Maybe they were actually growing apart, or at least learning how to be individuals.


"So are you doing anything on Christmas?" I asked Hikaru who failed to realize that we had homework in all our classes and was copying mine.

His head shot up and had eyes like he saw a ghost. "Uhhh..."

"Well I'm not going to busy all day, so I was thinking we could-"

"Oooooooo I knew you two were up to something." Koaru chuckled as he walked by.

"Am I missing something?" I was so confused.

"Tess, In Japan most people don't celebrate it. It's usually more for a romantic holiday here." Haruhi pointed out.

I blushed deep red. "OH GOD! I'm really sorry... oh god." I was so embarrassed.

"It's fine.." Hikaru tapped my hands. "Chill."

Mr. Cool over here was trying to pull off that he didn't freak out a little.

"Wait so, if it's a romantic holiday here... does that mean Haruhi is going out with Tamaki on Christmas?" I chuckled.

"Definetly not." She hissed.

"It would be really romantic." I gushed.

She raised a brow. "What about your birthday."

"H-how....w..." I froze.

"I found out your birthday was on Valentine's day. It matches your last name so it's easy to remember."

"Y-yeah..." I wiggled in my chair awkwardly. Playing with my locket.

"How come you never wear the necklace I got you?" Hikaru asked. His brother and Haruhi's heads turned in confusion. Wow, that came out wrong.

"Oh, the chain broke. So I made it into a bracelet." I showed him my wrist.

"Woah, you wear so many!" Koaru hollered.

"Yeah.." I laughed.

"Speaking of necklaces....-" Hikaru was cut off by the bell.

I dodged around everyone to leave that class a.s.a.p. Not now... not here. I couldn't bear to tell them now. It was hard enough to be reminded, never mind explain yourself.


Ok so shhooorrttt chapter. I just need to put a little filler in here just to 'hint' some shit HINT HINT GUYS. So we know some new little things about Tess. But yeah. Dat flirting though.... but what about Fin? Where is he.... and will he get Tess out of no where. What about the couple thing on Christmas? Will anyone ask her out before then, or what about Tess's secret?!!? SO MANY QUESTIONS!!!! But yeah, now tell me what you like... what you think will happen... such and such. Thank you for reading!! And thanks for over 50 FOLLOWERSSS WOOOAAHHH!!!!!! Jee thanks guys! So any ways comment them feels and BIEEE!!!!

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