Chapter 16: A Drunk Affair

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It all came at me like a slap in the face. Nothing really seemed logical why a single human would care so much who I happened to lip lock with at a party? It just didn't make sense at all.

"You ok?" Koaru walked up to me outside. I didn't notice how much time had passed. I must have been over thinking for a while because the party had been twice the size by now.

I nodded softly. "Yeah, that party is super crowded. I don't think I really want to touch bodies." I shuttered at the thought.

"Well the party will die down. I didn't really think this many people would come. I honestly don't recognize half of these people." He laughed.

I sighed and dusted myself off and crawled off the bench. Just looking at the bench sent butterflies in stomach. It was odd, an inanimate object could tingle your skin.

"I'm getting a drink.." I hung my shoulders and fell into the group of teenagers that really needed to stop dancing all over the place.

The punch bowl was still a thick red color, with chunks of ice floating around the top. The liquid shimmered with a strange tone underlining it. I tended to shrug off awkward colored drinks after drinking green juice in middle school. I poured myself a glass and chugged in down in minutes. I had a odd pain run down with the drink but I was too thirsty to care at this point. Pouring myself another glass or two, I lost count. the drinks hurt less and less and my eye sight got worse and worse.

I tilted the glass to my lips until I actually got a whiff of the red punch. The smell was rich with alcohol and my actions proved this assumption. I was drunk and I just figured it out. I panicked. Rushing over to the punch bowl I saw that the bowl looked untouched from when I last touched it.

I grabbed the entire thing and poured all the contents in the bushes, discarding the bowl all together. I got a few glares but I guessed most people didn't drink this crap, just me. It was more of bittersweet luck to find that I was the only one who was drunk off my mind, and no one else. Maybe it was the liquor talking but how dumb was I not to tell by the smell over 3 cups ago.

I need someone. Someone that would help me out knowing I was tripping balls at a fucking host party. The only logical member was Haruhi but she was no where to be found. even if I wanted to find him, Tamaki was missing as well. All that was left was Finn, The twins, and Kyoya. Finn was flirting away with loads of girls, Hikaru was pissed at me, so I had two possible contenders.

"Kyo-Kyoya." I giggled.

His eyebrows arched in a confused manner which made me giggle even more. "Yes?" He pushed his glasses high up his nose.

"Somebody spiked the punch and... andIfixedit." My word slurred together and my knee felt weak.

"Excuse me?!" The look on his face was utter disgust, not at me, the idea.

"I went to get a drink and the punch tasted weird, and Koaru said there were people here that he had never seen before. I think somebody crashed the party and spiked the drink. I-I dumped the rest out into the bushes."

His eyes were wide starring down at me. I didn't know what I looked like but I hopped I was modest in this state.

"But rest assure! I think I'm the only one drunk." I poked at his chest after every word and gave a small chuckle after it.

I heard him mutter something under his breath but it felt like half my brain was working at this point and not long would I be completely blacked out in roughly an hour.

"You need help. I'll ask someone to bring you home..."

I grabbed on to his arm which felt really weak to what I was a custom to.

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