Chapter 30: Jinxed

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"W-wait.. wait! This isn't fair!" I stood from my chair. I thought I had lost my patience, but know I was loosing my mind. "Excuse me?!" I asked again.

"You heard me. You will be expelled if we find this to be true."

"You have to be kidding! You have NO PROOF!" I practically screamed. Now I knew where Tamaki got his sternness.

"Then you have nothing to worry about..." He fake reassured me.

This wasn't happening. They were going to find something, anything that made it look like I stole the money. The money....

"Even if I did take it what would I do the money, my dress doesn't have pockets.." That was it, the loophole.

He had a blank expression on his face and eyed my face. I tried not to smile, I had something right that he didn't. When you prove a teacher or someone older wrong it was a mini pat on the back.

"Do I have your permission to look through your bag?" I nodded. This was perfect, someone was going to owe me an apology.

Tamkai's father sifted through my bag pulling out my binder that had all my classes in it, simply flipping through the pages gently. After sorting through just about everything, Mr. Suoh pulled out my pencil case. Just about to give up he pulled out a few yen out of it. They weren't just regular everyday one paper yens, they were full blown 10,000 yen bills.

My eyes felt like they were going to fall out of my face. My mouth started to go dry. What was going on? How did this happen? I couldn't have done that. But how...

"That... that doesn't make any seance...?" I rattled my brain try to think of anything to put two and two together. But that was it, I had nothing.

"I think I have all the proof we need Miss Valentine." He began to place things neatly back in my purse. I just stood there watching in disbelief.

"But I didn't put that in there."

He stopped what he was doing to give me a disappointed look. "Miss Valentine, you aren't making your case any better by lying."

I snapped my head in his direction. "I'm not lying!" I begged.

Completely filling my bag, Mr. Suoh escorted me from the office.

"Mr. Suoh you have to believe me! I would never do anything like this!"

He sighed pushing back his black hair. "Your records state otherwise." He pulled open a file cabinet as if he was waiting for me to bring it up. Pulling from the back, he retrieved my last name.

"Multiple cases of skipping classes and ditching school, defacing school property, and lets not forget speaking out of text."

He was so nice to me at the festival last year, what was with him. Sure, he has to enforce the rules of the school, but I was friends with his son. I was in his club, we hung out, we helped each other, our families knew each other.

"Mr. Suoh, Sir, if I may?" No even giving him a chance to agree or not I went ahead. "You know me and my family, I've never done anything like this before."

"And you won't do it ever again because to leave in two days. Unless there is some more proof you have for me..." He was loosing patience.

"I didn't even have my bag when I found the wallet. I left it in my class after I took the test. She told me I could stay if I wanted to, but to leave the test when I was done. I stayed for a few seconds before leaving the test and heading to the club. The club was empty except for the wallet which I gave to the office right after finding it. After that I passed by the class again and saw my bag sitting in the room, because I forgot it. Then I went back to the club and now I'm here."

"And what does that tell me?"

"That I couldn't have taken the money because I didn't have me bag to put it in. On top of that I found the wallet empty..."

"Then why is the money in YOUR bag."

I looked around the room for something to inspire my brain. There had to be a reason, any reason. "Someone wants to frame me then..."

"Who would want to frame you?"

He was completely right. Who would want to frame me? I didn't do anything to anyone. Not making a single enemy what so ever - At least that I knew of. I had been jinxed for thinking this day would go by smoothly. How could this have happened to me?

I shook my head in confusion. "I don't know... Nobody really sticks out. What if this just all some big prank to get me kicked out? Don't you have cameras to see who went into the host club and classroom besides me?"

"All I know is that your teacher lost her money after you left her class."

"But Mr. Suoh I-"

"I don't want to discuss this any further, you have one day left here and then I will have a meeting with your parents and the school board to see what is to be arranged. But for now Miss Valentine, have a lovely day." I was shoved out of the office to meet the unfriendly eyes of the same women again.

This was bad. Real bad. There was no way of saving myself. I would have to go to a different school. Maybe even move. No Host Club. No friends. No Hikaru..... This was going farther and farther down hill every second. I had to figure out how this all happened. How this all started. Why someone hated me on such high levels to deliberately kill my happiness.They had to know everything. That I was going to retake the test, the I was in the host club, the my teacher was going to leave. But who? Who was keen enough to hold all that information about me.

Making my way thought the halls clutching my bag, the Host club made it's way down the stairs as the bell sounded.

"Hey Tess, how was it?" Hikaru walked up to me with a friendly smile. If only he knew.

"Just a talk about how my grades are doing, I told you it was no big deal." I laughed. It hurt to laugh. I was holding in so much.

"Tamaki, can I see you for a second son?" Mr. Suoh opened the door of the office looking over at us.

Swallowing hard I pulled through the crowd to outside.

"Tess wait up!" Hikaru caught up to me, pulling my arm. "I thought we were suppose to hang out today?"

"I don't feel so good... I-I'm going to go home..." No meeting his eyes and gave a frown.

He looked down at me. "Well ok, feel better then.."

I nodded taking off down the sidewalk. There had to be someone I had to tell. My parents were going to find out, it wouldn't surprise me if they knew by now. I just needed someone who wouldn't judge me or jump to conclusions. Fuck, I needed anybody at this point.

Pushing my way back from the way I originally came from I pulled the person I was looking for into my arms.

"Hikaru..." I whimpered into his shirt.

"Tess?" The air was pulled from his lungs when we collided.

Wiping my tears away, I sniffed. "You need to hear this..."


So..... yup. That just happened. XD Whatcha think? Two updates in one day!! WHOO!! Should be doing homework but... But thank you all for following, voting and commenting!! BIE!!!

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