Chapter 6: Hot chocolate and Disney movies

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'How dare he tell me who I can and can't date! He isn't even my real father! I bet Financier hates me now..' I sniffled as I stormed away walking the shore line.

"Tess wait up!" Someone called out. I was to busy to care or stop at this moment.

I heard their feet dig into the sand as they rushed up next to me. Hikaru.

"What." I sighed with an icy tone.

"You weren't really going to...-"

"What? Kiss him! Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I don't really have an answer. An I you're over here because Tamaki sent you, you can both suck it. Cuz who I date and what I do in my spare time should not concern you!" I continued storming off not really caring where I was going, just far.


The air was steady, no breeze, no wind, nothing. The water was completely calm, with not red head or idiot to be found. Everything was perfectly silent, just occasional waves slashing over rocks and rosin on the shore.

"Finally, away." I spoke to myself. I played around with my locket in my hands, rubbing the fine engraving over the top.

I bet if my sister were here, everybody would love her. Just holding the locket makes me feel safe, like she's really here with me.

I was still surprised that no one came looking for me. Maybe they just gave up. I really don't blame them... I was acting kinda childish. After all Tamaki is like my dad, he's just looking out for me. No real harm was done... Except Financier won't even look at me every again. Maybe I should go back and apologize?

I stood up from the tiny grains of sand and dusted myself off. Walking over, back to where I came from.

I hope they aren't mad...


I had finally reached the mansion. Thank god. You never really know how far you go when you are mad. Nobody was at the beach and all our stuff was gone. They went inside.

I walked up to the mansion opening the screen door and making my way in. It was very silent and quite dark for a sunny day like today.

"Hello?" I walked through, making my way down a few hallways turing into one another. "Maybe try went out for dinner? Or something?"

'What are you even saying? They have a five star chef in the kitchen. They don't need to leave.' I mentally slapped myself. "Unless they wanted to..." I turned and walked up the large staircase, finding my room. Hikaru was sitting on my bed.

"Hey?" I asked slightly walking in.

"Hey." He smiled and turned to me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, not bothering to turn on the lights.

"Tamaki wanted commoners ice cream, and all the guests left for the day. Tamaki didn't want to upset you, so he told me to wait for you here." He played with his hands.

"Oh." I rubbed my left arm awkwardly. "Are you still mad?" Joining him on the bed.

"No." Hikaru's eyes turned to the left.

"You're lying." I giggled. "Somebody jealous?" I poked him.

He crossed his arms. "No! I just don't want you to get close with him, an lose our friendship."

"That's what you're worried about?" I took his hands in mine. "Look at me Hikaru, no matter what happens we will always be friends, ok? Some boy isn't going to change that silly. Come on." I stood up still holding his left wrist. "Lets go watch Disney movies and drink hot chocolate!"


I know it's rather short and I'm sorry! But next chapter they are back at school and I just kinda wanted to rap up the whole weekend thing so yeah! By they way, I want to thank everyone who is following me and reading this story. Thank you all for the votes, and I live reading all your comments so feel free todo so! And ways, as always enjoy reading, feel free to give me some ideas, annnnnddd hope to read with you soon. Bieeeeee!!!!!!!

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