Chapter 40: Closed

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"Tess, are you ok?" Hikaru asked me after class.

"Yeah I'm fine." I fixed my hair to the back of my head.

"Are you sure? Why were you late." He asked, placing his hand on my shoulder.

"It's nothing."

I didn't want to think about it right then. All I wanted to do was go home. I didn't even want to go to the Host Club.

Hikaru dropped it and we continued walking. While fixing my hair again I caught him staring at me. I tried holding back my blush, but it wasn't happening. When I put my hand back down to my side our hands touched.

We hand never held hands down the halls, and that almost bothered me.

Did he not want anyone knowing we were dating? Sure we had told the Host members. But how come he hasn't told the club.

Had it never came up in conversation?

'Of course it hasn't you idiot!' I told myself.

He's in a Host Club. They think they are all single. And nobody would think twice that Haruhi and Tamaki were dating. And on top I that I don't think she cares that he flirts with other girls. Because in the long run he loves her.

He loves her...

My eyes lite to those words. I almost wanted to cry. Did Hikaru love me? An an even better question, did I love Hikaru?

I had never 'loved' a boy before. I loved family and friends. But that was different. Wasn't it?

My mind took over my actions and I pulled out my phone to call Grey.

"What are you doing!" Hikaru looked down at my digit dialing thumbs.

"Calling my driver." I answered hastily.

Hikaru covered my phone with his frozen grip. "Why?" I looked away. "It's about the kiss. Isn't it?"

People started to stare. Get out of my business!

I pulled Hikaru into an empty janitor's closet and turned on the lights. Even the Janitor's closet was fancy.

"Well, is it?" He was mad.

"Yes, no... Sorta..." I rubbed my hands together nervously.

Hikaru folded his arms. "But I thought you were over it."

"It's not even that. It's just- she just- ugh! Never mind! You don't care anyways." I stormed to the door. Hikaru pushed himself to the door blocking my one and only exit.

"Why do you think I don't care?" He pulled at my shoulders.

"Because! I just... You. I don't know ok!? Does there have to be answer. I just feel it. I feel like none of this matters." My head was pounding. The room was getting hot and I wanted to curl into a ball and cry.

"What doesn't matter?" Holding his position.

"You.. Me... Us!" I pointed to us.

"What would make you think that?" Before he was finished he looked at me and held up a finger. "And don't defend yourself with the kiss."

"I wasn't going to." I spat. He was making me angry. I was genuinely sad and he didn't even care.

His eyes narrowed. "Then why?"

"Because, we never hold hand. We never go on dates. Nobody knows we are dating. I'm always in some bullshit drama that doesn't make any seance!" My eyes brimmed with tears.

"You never told me any of this! How was I suppose to know it bothered you?" Hikaru yelled.

"I don't know." I whispered.

"What?" Hikaru asked me to speak up.

Tears poured down my face as I wept into my hands. "I don't know!" I cried. "All I ever wanted was you to love me! Just me! Every time I see you with a girl I just want to take you away. Just so I can show her you belong to me."

"What can I do? The Host Club is my job." His voice sounded far more sympathetic.

Though my wet hands I could see he had moved away from the door. I'm my crying state I opened the door.

"It's not a job, it's a choice."

He didn't hold me back from opening the door. Closing the door was the hardest. Because I didn't just close a door, I closed a door on a relationship.


Update! So what did you think? Who do you think she is going to go to for help? Will they get back together, or will she find another!? Mwhahaahha!!!

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